Introduction #
This article is an introduction to the Odin Programming Language. You’re assumed to have basic knowledge of programming concepts such as variables, statements, and types. You will see how familiar things are done in Odin, while also being introduced to new concepts.
If you haven’t already installed Odin, then you can read how in the Getting Started with Odin guide.
Hellope! #
To begin this tour, let us start with a modified version of the famous “hello world” program:
package main
import "core:fmt"
main :: proc() {
Save this code to a .odin
file, then compile and run it using odin run <dir>
. For the current directory:
odin run .
The run
command compiles the .odin
file to an executable and then runs that executable after compilation. If you do not wish to run the executable after compilation, the build
command can be used.
odin build <dir>
Odin thinks in terms of directory-based packages. The odin build <dir>
command takes all the files in the directory <dir>
, compiles them into a package and then turns that into an executable. You can also tell it to treat a single file as a complete package, by adding -file
, like so:
odin run hellope.odin -file
Lexical elements and literals #
Comments #
Comments can be anywhere outside of a string or character literal. Single line comments begin with //
// A comment
my_integer_variable: int // A comment for documentation
Multi-line comments begin with /*
and end with */
. Multi-line comments can be also be nested (unlike in C):
You can have any text or code here and
have it be commented.
NOTE: comments can be nested!
Comments are parsed as tokens within the compiler. This is to allow for future work on automatic documentation tools.
String and character literals #
String literals are enclosed in double quotes and character literals in single quotes. Special characters are escaped with a backslash \
"This is a string"
'\n' // newline character
Raw string literals are enclosed in single back ticks.
The length of a string can be found using the built-in len
If the string passed to len
is a compile-time constant, the value from len
will be a compile-time constant.
Escape Characters #
- bell (BEL)\b
- backspace (BS)\e
- escape (ESC)\f
- form feed (FF)\n
- newline\r
- carriage return\t
- tab\v
- vertical tab (VT)\\
- backslash\"
- double quote (if needed)\'
- single quote (if needed)\NNN
- octal 6 bit character (3 digits)\xNN
- hexadecimal 8 bit character (2 digits)\uNNNN
- hexadecimal 16-bit Unicode character UTF-8 encoded (4 digits)\UNNNNNNNN
- hexadecimal 32-bit Unicode character UTF-8 encoded (8 digits)
Numbers #
Numerical literals are written similar to most other programming languages. A useful feature in Odin is that underscores are allowed for better readability: 1_000_000_000
(one billion). A number that contains a dot is a floating point literal: 1.0e9
(one billion). If a number literal is suffixed with i
, it is an imaginary number literal: 2i
(2 multiply the square root of -1).
Binary literals are prefixed with 0b
, octal literals with 0o
, and hexadecimal literals with 0x
. A leading zero does not produce an octal constant (unlike C).
In Odin, if a number constant can be represented by a type without precision loss, it will automatically convert to that type.
x: int = 1.0 // A float literal but it can be represented by an integer without precision loss
Constant literals are “untyped” which means that they can implicitly convert to a type.
x: int // `x` is typed as being of type `int`
x = 1 // `1` is an untyped integer literal which can implicitly convert to `int`
Variable declarations #
A variable declaration declares a new variable for the current scope.
x: int // declares `x` to have type `int`
y, z: int // declares `y` and `z` to have type `int`
Variables are initialized to zero by default unless specified otherwise.
Note: Declarations have to be unique within a scope.
x := 10
x := 20 // Redeclaration of `x` in this scope
y, z := 20, 30
test, z := 20, 30 // not allowed since `z` exists already
Assignment statements #
The assignment statement assigns a new value to a variable/location:
x: int = 123 // declares a new variable `x` with type `int` and assigns a value to it
x = 637 // assigns a new value to `x`
is the assignment operator.
You can assign multiple variables with it:
x, y := 1, "hello" // declares `x` and `y` and infers the types from the assignments
y, x = "bye", 5
Note: :=
is two tokens, :
and =
. The following are all equivalent:
x: int = 123
x: = 123 // default type for an integer literal is `int`
x := 123
Constant declarations #
Constants are entities (symbols) which have an assigned value. The constant’s value cannot be changed. The constant’s value must be able to be evaluated at compile time:
x :: "what" // constant `x` has the untyped string value "what"
Constants can be explicitly typed like a variable declaration:
y : int : 123
z :: y + 7 // constant computations are possible
For more information regarding value declarations in general, please see the Odin FAQ and Ginger Bill’s article On the Aesthetics of the Syntax of Declarations.
Packages #
Odin programs consist of packages. A package is a directory of Odin code files, all of which have the same package declaration at the top. Execution starts in the package’s main
statement #
The following program imports the fmt
and os
packages from the core
library collection.
package main
import "core:fmt"
import "core:os"
main :: proc() {
The core:
prefix is used to state where the import is meant to look; this is called a library collection. If no prefix is present, the import will look relative to the current file.
Note: By convention, the package name is the same as the last element in the import path. "core:fmt"
package comprises of files that begin with the statement package fmt
. However, this is not enforced by the compiler, which means the default name for the import name will be determined by the last element in the import path if possible.
A different import name can be used over the default package name:
import "core:fmt"
import foo "core:fmt" // reference a package by a different name
Exported names #
All declarations in a package are public by default.
The private
attribute can be applied to an entity to prevent it from being exported from a package.
my_variable: int // cannot be accessed outside this package
You may also make an entity private to the file instead of the package.
my_variable: int // cannot be accessed outside this file
is equivalent to @(private="package")
Authoring a package #
A package is a directory of Odin code files, all of which have the same package declaration at the top, e.g. package main
. Each .odin file must have the same package name. A directory cannot contain more than 1 package.
Organizing packages #
Packages may be thematically organized by placing them in subdirectories of another package. For example: core:image/png
and core:image/tga
, as subdirectories of core:image
Nesting these packages is a helpful taxonomy. It does not imply a dependency: core:foo/bar
does not need to import core:foo
and reference anything from it.
Control flow statements #
statement #
Odin has only one loop statement, the for
Basic for loop #
A basic for
loop has three components separated by semicolons:
- The initial statement: executed before the first iteration
- The condition expression: evaluated before every iteration
- The post statement: executed at the end of every iteration
The loop will stop executing when the condition is evaluated to false
for i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 {
Note: Unlike other languages like C, there are no parentheses ( )
surrounding the three components. Braces { }
or a do
are always required.
for i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 { }
for i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 do single_statement()
The initial and post statements are optional:
i := 0
for ; i < 10; {
i += 1
These semicolons can be dropped. This for
loop is equivalent to C’s while
i := 0
for i < 10 {
i += 1
If the condition is omitted, this produces an infinite loop:
for {
Range-based for loop #
The basic for loop
for i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 {
can also be written
for i in 0..<10 {
// or
for i in 0..=9 {
where a..=b
denotes a closed interval [a,b]
, i.e. the upper limit is inclusive, and a..<b
denotes a half-open interval [a,b)
, i.e. the upper limit is exclusive.
Certain built-in types can be iterated over:
some_string := "Hello, 世界"
for character in some_string {
some_array := [3]int{1, 4, 9}
for value in some_array {
some_slice := []int{1, 4, 9}
for value in some_slice {
some_dynamic_array := [dynamic]int{1, 4, 9} // must be enabled with `#+feature dynamic-literals`
defer delete(some_dynamic_array)
for value in some_dynamic_array {
some_map := map[string]int{"A" = 1, "C" = 9, "B" = 4} // must be enabled with `#+feature dynamic-literals`
defer delete(some_map)
for key in some_map {
Alternatively a second index value can be added:
for character, index in some_string {
fmt.println(index, character)
for value, index in some_array {
fmt.println(index, value)
for value, index in some_slice {
fmt.println(index, value)
for value, index in some_dynamic_array {
fmt.println(index, value)
for key, value in some_map {
fmt.println(key, value)
The iterated values are copies and cannot be written to.
When iterating a string, the characters will be rune
s and not bytes. for in
assumes the string is encoded as UTF-8.
str: string = "Some text"
for character in str {
assert(type_of(character) == rune)
You can iterate arrays and slices by-reference with the address operator:
for &value in some_array {
value = something
for &value in some_slice {
value = something
for &value in some_dynamic_array {
value = something
// does not impact the second index value
for &value, index in some_dynamic_array {
value = something
Map values can be iterated by-reference, but their keys cannot since map keys are immutable:
some_map := map[string]int{"A" = 1, "C" = 9, "B" = 4} // must be enabled with `#+feature dynamic-literals`
defer delete(some_map)
for key, &value in some_map {
value += 1
fmt.println(some_map["A"]) // 2
fmt.println(some_map["C"]) // 10
fmt.println(some_map["B"]) // 5
Note: It is not possible to iterate a string in a by-reference manner as strings are immutable.
reverse iteration #
The #reverse
directive makes a range-based for
loop iterate in reverse.
array := [?]int { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 }
#reverse for x in array {
fmt.println(x) // 50 40 30 20 10
statement #
Odin’s if
statements do not need to be surrounded by parentheses ( )
but braces { }
or do
are required.
if x >= 0 {
fmt.println("x is positive")
Like for
, the if
statement can start with an initial statement to execute before the condition. Variables declared by the initial statement are only in the scope of that if
if x := foo(); x < 0 {
fmt.println("x is negative")
Variables declared inside an if
initial statement are also available to any of the else
if x := foo(); x < 0 {
fmt.println("x is negative")
} else if x == 0 {
fmt.println("x is zero")
} else {
fmt.println("x is positive")
statement #
A switch statement is another way to write a sequence of if-else statements. In Odin, the default case is denoted as a case without any expression.
switch arch := ODIN_ARCH; arch {
case .i386, .wasm32, .arm32:
fmt.println("32 bit")
case .amd64, .wasm64p32, .arm64, .riscv64:
fmt.println("64 bit")
case .Unknown:
fmt.println("Unknown architecture")
Odin’s switch
is like the one in C or C++, except that Odin only runs the selected case. This means that a break
statement is not needed at the end of each case. Another important difference is that the case values need not be integers nor constants.
To achieve a C-like fall through into the next case block, the keyword fallthrough
can be used.
Switch cases are evaluated from top to bottom, stopping when a case succeeds. For example:
switch i {
case 0:
case foo():
does not get called if i==0
. If all the case values are constants, the compiler may optimize the switch statement into a jump table (like C).
A switch
statement without a condition is the same as switch true
. This can be used to write a clean and long if-else chain and have the ability to break
if needed
switch {
case x < 0:
fmt.println("x is negative")
case x == 0:
fmt.println("x is zero")
fmt.println("x is positive")
A switch
statement can also use ranges like a range-based loop:
switch c {
case 'A'..='Z', 'a'..='z', '0'..='9':
fmt.println("c is alphanumeric")
switch x {
case 0..<10:
case 10..<13:
case 13..<20:
case 20..<30:
#partial switch
With enum
Foo :: enum {
f := Foo.A
switch f {
case .A: fmt.println("A")
case .B: fmt.println("B")
case .C: fmt.println("C")
case .D: fmt.println("D")
case: fmt.println("?")
#partial switch f {
case .A: fmt.println("A")
case .D: fmt.println("D")
With union
types (see Type switch statement)
Foo :: union {int, bool}
f: Foo = 123
switch _ in f {
case int: fmt.println("int")
case bool: fmt.println("bool")
#partial switch _ in f {
case bool: fmt.println("bool")
statement #
A defer statement defers the execution of a statement until the end of the scope it is in.
The following will print 4
then 234
package main
import "core:fmt"
main :: proc() {
x := 123
defer fmt.println(x)
defer x = 4
x = 2
x = 234
You can defer an entire block too:
defer {
defer if cond {
Defer statements are executed in the reverse order that they were declared:
defer fmt.println("1")
defer fmt.println("2")
defer fmt.println("3")
Will print 3
, 2
, and then 1
A real world use case for defer
may be something like the following:
f, err :="my_file.txt")
if err != os.ERROR_NONE {
// handle error
defer os.close(f)
// rest of code
In this case, it acts akin to an explicit C++ destructor however, the error handling is basic control flow.
Note: The defer
construct in Odin differs from Go’s defer
, which is function-exit and relies on a closure stack system.
statement #
The when
statement is almost identical to the if
statement but with some differences:
- Each condition must be a constant expression as a
statement is evaluated at compile time. - The statements within a branch do not create a new scope
- The compiler checks the semantics and code only for statements that belong to the first condition that is
- An initial statement is not allowed in a
statement when
statements are allowed at file scope
when ODIN_ARCH == .i386 {
fmt.println("32 bit")
} else when ODIN_ARCH == .amd64 {
fmt.println("64 bit")
} else {
fmt.println("Unsupported architecture")
The when
statement is very useful for writing platform specific code. This is akin to the #if
construct in C’s preprocessor. However, in Odin, it is type checked.
See the Conditional compilation section for examples of built-in constants you can use with when
Branch statements #
statement #
A for loop or a switch statement can be left prematurely with a break
statement. It leaves the innermost construct, unless a label of a construct is given:
for cond {
switch {
if cond {
break // break out of the `switch` statement
break // break out of the `for` statement
loop: for cond1 {
for cond2 {
break loop // leaves both loops
exit: {
if true {
break exit // works with labeled blocks too
fmt.println("This line will never print.")
statement #
As in many programming languages, a continue
statement starts the next iteration of a loop prematurely:
for cond {
if get_foo() {
statement #
Odin’s switch
is like the one in C or C++, except that Odin only runs the selected case. This means that a break
statement is not needed at the end of each case. Another important difference is that the case values need not be integers nor constants.
can be used to explicitly fall through into the next case block:
switch i {
case 0:
case 1:
Procedures #
In Odin, a procedure is something that can do work, which some languages call functions or methods. A procedure literal in Odin is defined with the proc
fibonacci :: proc(n: int) -> int {
switch {
case n < 1:
return 0
case n == 1:
return 1
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
fmt.println(fibonacci(3)) // 2
For more information regarding value declarations in general, please see the Odin FAQ.
Parameters #
Procedures can take zero or many parameters. The following example is a basic procedure that multiplies two integers together:
multiply :: proc(x: int, y: int) -> int {
return x * y
fmt.println(multiply(137, 432))
When two or more consecutive parameters share a type, you can omit the other types from previous names, like with variable declarations. In this example: x: int, y: int
can be shortened to x, y: int
, for example:
multiply :: proc(x, y: int) -> int {
return x * y
fmt.println(multiply(137, 432))
Continuing the C family tradition, everything in Odin is passed by value (rather than by reference, e.g. FORTRAN, Java, etc). However, Odin differs from the C/C++ tradition in that all procedure parameters in Odin are immutable values. This allows for numerous optimizations with the Odin calling conventions ("odin"
and "contextless"
) which would not be possible with the original C tradition of always passing a copy of the thing that has been passed.
Passing a pointer value makes a copy of the pointer, not the data it points to. Slices, dynamic arrays, and maps behave like pointers in this case (Internally they are structures that contain values, which include pointers, and the “structure” is passed by value).
To mutate the procedure parameter (like in C), an explicit copy is required. This can be done through shadowing the variable declaration:
foo :: proc(x: int) {
x := x // explicit mutation
for x > 0 {
x -= 1
Procedures can be variadic, taking a varying number of arguments:
sum :: proc(nums: -> (result: int) {
for n in nums {
result += n
fmt.println(sum()) // 0
fmt.println(sum(1, 2)) // 3
fmt.println(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) // 15
odds := []int{1, 3, 5}
fmt.println(sum(..odds)) // 9, passing a slice as varargs
Multiple results #
A procedure in Odin can return any number of results. For example:
swap :: proc(x, y: int) -> (int, int) {
return y, x
a, b := swap(1, 2)
fmt.println(a, b) // 2 1
Named results #
Return values in Odin may be named. If so, they are treated as variables defined at the top of the procedure, like input parameters. A return
statement without arguments returns the named return value. “Naked” return statements should only be used in short procedures as it reduces clarity when reading.
do_math :: proc(input: int) -> (x, y: int) {
x = 2*input + 1
y = 3*input / 5
return x, y
do_math_with_naked_return :: proc(input: int) -> (x, y: int) {
x = 2*input + 1
y = 3*input / 5
Named arguments #
When calling a procedure, it is not clear in which order parameters might appear. Therefore, the arguments can be named, like a struct literal, to make it clear which argument a parameter is for:
create_window :: proc(title: string, x, y: int, width, height: int, monitor: ^Monitor) -> (^Window, Window_Error) {...}
window, err := create_window(title="Hellope Title", monitor=nil, width=854, height=480, x=0, y=0)
As of the dev-2023-07
release, mixing named and positional arguments is allowed. This is often useful when a procedure has a lot of arguments or you want to customize default values.
Positional arguments are not allowed after named arguments.
foo :: proc(value: int, name: string, x: bool, y: f32, z := 0) { }
foo(134, "hellope", x=true, y=4.5)
Default values #
The create_window
procedure may be easier to use if default values are provided, which will be used if they are not specified:
create_window :: proc(title: string, x := 0, y := 0, width := 854, height := 480, monitor: ^Monitor = nil) -> (^Window, Window_Error) {...}
window1, err1 := create_window("Title1")
window2, err2 := create_window(title="Title1", width=640, height=360)
Note: These default values must be compile time known values, such as a constant value or nil
(if the type supports it).
Explicit procedure overloading #
Unlike other languages, Odin provides the ability to explicitly overload procedures:
bool_to_string :: proc(b: bool) -> string {...}
int_to_string :: proc(i: int) -> string {...}
to_string :: proc{bool_to_string, int_to_string}
Rationale behind explicit overloading #
The design goals of Odin were explicitness and simplicity. Implicit procedure overloading complicates the scoping system. In C++, you cannot nest procedures within procedures, so all procedure look-ups are done at the global scope. In Odin, procedures can be nested within procedures and, as a result, determining which procedure should be used, in the case of implicit overloading, is complex.
Explicit overloading has many advantages:
- Explicitness of what is overloaded
- Able to refer to the specific procedure if needed
- Clear which scope the entity name belongs to
- Ability to specialize parametric polymorphic procedures if necessary, which have the same parameter but different bounds (see
foo :: proc{
Basic types #
Odin’s basic types are:
bool b8 b16 b32 b64 // booleans
// integers
int i8 i16 i32 i64 i128
uint u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 uintptr
// endian specific integers
i16le i32le i64le i128le u16le u32le u64le u128le // little endian
i16be i32be i64be i128be u16be u32be u64be u128be // big endian
f16 f32 f64 // floating point numbers
// endian specific floating point numbers
f16le f32le f64le // little endian
f16be f32be f64be // big endian
complex32 complex64 complex128 // complex numbers
quaternion64 quaternion128 quaternion256 // quaternion numbers
rune // signed 32 bit integer
// represents a Unicode code point
// is a distinct type to `i32`
// strings
string cstring
// raw pointer type
// runtime type information specific type
The uintptr
type is pointer sized, and the int
, uint
types are the “natural” register size, which is guaranteed to greater than or equal to the size of a pointer (i.e. size_of(uint) >= size_of(uintptr)
). When you need an integer value, you should default to using int
unless you have a specific reason to use a sized or unsigned integer type
Note: The Odin string
type stores the pointer to the data and the length of the string. cstring
is used to interface with foreign libraries written in/for C that use zero-terminated strings.
Zero values #
Variables declared without an explicit initial value are given their zero value.
The zero value is:
for numeric and rune typesfalse
for boolean types""
(the empty string) for stringsnil
for pointer, typeid, and any types.
The expression {}
can be used for all types to act as a zero type. This is not recommended as it is not clear and if a type has a specific zero value shown above, please prefer that.
Type conversion #
The expression T(v)
converts the value v
to the type T
i: int = 123
f: f64 = f64(i)
u: u32 = u32(f)
or with type inference:
i := 123
f := f64(i)
u := u32(f)
Unlike C, assignments between values of a different type require an explicit conversion.
Cast operator #
The cast
operator can also be used to do the same thing:
i := 123
f := cast(f64)i
u := cast(u32)f
This is useful in some contexts but has the same semantic meaning.
Transmute operator #
The transmute
operator is a bit cast conversion between two types of the same size:
f := f32(123)
u := transmute(u32)f
This is akin to doing the following pointer cast manipulations:
f := f32(123)
u := (^u32)(&f)^
However, transmute
does not require taking the address of the value in question, which may not be possible for many expressions.
Untyped types #
In the Odin type system, certain expressions will have an “untyped” type. An untyped type can implicitly convert to a “typed” type.
I :: 42 // untyped integer, will implicitly convert to any numeric type (int, u32, f64, quaternion128 etc)
F :: 1.37 // untyped float, will implicitly convert to any numeric type that can support fractional parts (f64, quaternion128 etc)
S :: "Hellope" // untyped string, will implicitly convert to string and cstring
B :: true // untyped boolean, will implicitly convert to bool, b8, b16, etc.
Auto cast operation #
The auto_cast
operator automatically casts an expression to the destination’s type if possible:
x: f32 = 123
y: int = auto_cast x
Note: This operation is only recommended to be used for prototyping and quick tests. Please do not abuse it.
Built-in constants, values, and procedures #
There are a few built-in constants and values in Odin which have different uses:
false // untyped boolean constant equivalent to the expression 0!=0
true // untyped boolean constant equivalent to the expression 0==0
nil // untyped nil value used for certain values
--- // untyped undefined value used to explicitly not initialize a variable
is useful if you want to explicitly not initialize a variable with any default value:
x: int // initialized with its zero value
y: int = --- // uses uninitialized memory
This is the default behaviour in C, whilst the default behaviour in Odin is to zero the memory.
Built-in procedures #
For the full list of builtin-procedures, see the documentation for package builtin.
There are two kinds of built-in procedures in Odin:
- Compiler defined
- Core library defined
type #
As previously mentioned the odin string
type is just a rawptr
+ len
The core:strings
library was created to help dealing with string cloning, conversion of string
and other calls you find in standard libraries.
All procedures are documented and can be easily understood with code examples.
iteration #
Iterating a string
can be done in two ways - by runes or by bytes.
// by runes
x := "ABC"
for codepoint, index in x {
fmt.println(index, codepoint)
// 0 A
// 1 B
// 2 C
// by bytes - string length is in bytes
for index in 0..<len(x) {
fmt.println(index, x[index])
// 0 65
// 1 66
// 2 67
Iteration through runes is preferred since odin strings are UTF8. Most core library procedures will be addressed by *_byte
if they do input/output an index in byte.
format printing #
The core:fmt
library supports printing strings from byte arrays in structs, when additional tag information is supplied.
Foo :: struct {
a: [L]u8 `fmt:"s"`, // whole buffer is a string
b: [N]u8 `fmt:"s,0"`, // 0 terminated string
c: [M]u8 `fmt:"q,n"`, // string with length determined by n, and use %q rather than %s
n: int `fmt:"-"`, // ignore this from formatting
type #
The cstring
type is a c-style string value, which is zero-terminated. It is equivalent to char const *
in C. Its primary purpose is for easy interfacing with C. Please see the foreign system for more information.
A cstring
is easily convertible to an Odin string
. However, to convert a string
to a cstring
, it requires allocations if the value is not constant.
str: string = "Hellope"
cstr: cstring = "Hellope" // constant literal
cstr2 := string(cstr) // O(n) conversion as it requires search from the zero-terminator
nstr := len(str) // O(1)
ncstr := len(cstr) // O(n)
type conversions #
Here is a short list of possible type conversions - including whether they copy or alias. This is important to understand since Odin gives you the possibility to keep allocations to a low degree.
If some cases are missing please let us know.
- copy = get a freshly allocated copy of the ‘from’ data
- alias = reuse the ‘from’ data, without allocation
- stream = get individual values from the string, without allocation
- st = the input string
From string
to X #
To | Action | Code |
[]u8 | alias | transmute([]u8)st |
string | copy | strings.clone(st) |
cstring | copy | strings.clone_to_cstring(st) |
cstring | alias | strings.unsafe_string_to_cstring(st) |
[]rune | stream | for rune in st { ... } |
[]rune | copy | utf8.string_to_runes(st) |
[^]u8 | alias | raw_data(st) |
From cstring
to X #
To | Action | Code |
string | alias | string(st) |
[^]u8 | alias | transmute([^]u8)st |
From a string literal to X #
To | Action | Code |
string | alias | string(st) or newstr: string = st |
cstring | alias | cstring(st) or newstr: cstring = st |
From []u8
to X #
To | Action | Code |
string | alias | transmute(string)st |
string | alias | string(st) unless a slice literal |
[^]u8 | alias | raw_data(st) |
From []rune
to string
Action | Code |
copy | utf8.runes_to_string(st) |
From [^]u8
to cstring
Action | Code |
alias | cstring(st) |
From [^]u8
and length int
to string
Action | Code |
alias | strings.string_from_ptr(ptr, length) |
Operators #
Operators combine operands into expressions. For binary operations, operand types must be identical or implicitly convertible unless the operation involves shifts or untyped constants.
Arithmetic operators #
+ is 0 + x
- negation is 0 - x
~ bitwise complement is m ~ x where m = "all bits set to 1" for unsigned x
and m = -1 for signed x
+ sum integers, enums, floats, complex values, quaternions, arrays of numeric types, matrices, constant strings
- subtraction integers, enums, floats, complex values, quaternions, arrays of numeric types, matrices
* multiplication integers, floats, complex values, quaternions, arrays of numeric types, matrices
/ division integers, floats, complex values, quaternions, arrays of numeric types
% modulo (truncated) integers
%% remainder (floored) integers
| bitwise or integers, enums
~ bitwise xor integers, enums
& bitwise and integers, enums
&~ bitwise and-not integers, enums
<< left shift integer << integer >= 0
>> right shift integer >> integer >= 0
Except for shift operations, if one operand is an untyped constant and the other operand is not, the constant is implicitly converted to the type of the other operand (if possible).
The right operand in a shift expression must have an unsigned integer type or be an untyped constant representable by a typed unsigned integer. If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is an untyped constant, it is first implicitly converted to the type it would assume if the shift expression were replaced solely by the left operand alone (with type inference and hinting rules applied).
Comparison operators #
== equal
!= not equal
< less
<= less or equal
> greater
>= greater or equal
&& short-circuiting logical and
|| short-circuiting logical or
In any comparison, the first operand must be assignable to the type of the second, or vice versa.
The equality operators ==
and !=
apply to operands that are comparable. The ordering operators <
, <=
, >
, and >=
apply to operands that are ordered. These terms and the result of the comparisons are defined as follows:
- Boolean values are comparable.
- Integers values are comparable and ordered.
- Floating-point values are comparable and ordered, defined by the IEEE-754 standard.
- Complex values are comparable.
- Quaternion values are comparable.
- Rune values are comparable and ordered.
- String values are comparable and ordered, lexically byte-wise.
- Matrix values are comparable.
- Pointer values are comparable and ordered.
- Multi-pointer values are comparable and ordered.
- Soa-pointer values are comparable.
- Enum values are comparable and ordered.
- Bit-set values are comparable.
- Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable.
- Union values are comparable if all their variants are comparable.
- Array and enumerated array values are comparable if values of the element type are comparable.
is comparable.- Simd vectors are comparable.
Bit-set values use different logic compared to integers when comparison operators are used: please see the section of bit sets
Logical operators #
Logical operators apply to boolean values. The right operand is evaluated conditionally
&& conditional AND a && b is "b if a else false"
|| conditional OR a || b is "true if a else b"
! NOT !a is "not a"
Compound binary operator and assign #
Like many other languages, there is a shorthand for performing a binary operation and assigning the result to the first operand e.g. x = x + 5
. All arithmetic and logical binary operators have this shorthand
+= sum and assign a += b is a = a + b
-= subtraction and assign a -= b is a = a - b
*= multiplication and assign a *= b is a = a * b
/= division and assign a /= b is a = a / b
%= modulo (truncated) and assign a %= b is a = a % b
%%= remainder (floored) and assign a %%= b is a = a %% b
|= bitwise or and assign a |= b is a = a | b
~= bitwise xor and assign a ~= b is a = a ~ b
&= bitwise and and assign a &= b is a = a & b
&~= bitwise and-not and assign a &~= b is a = a &~ b
<<= left shift and assign a <<= b is a = a << b
>>= right shift and assign a >>= b is a = a >> b
&&= conditional AND and assign a &&= b is a = a && b
||= conditional OR and assign a ||= b is a = a || b
Address operator #
For an operand x
of type T
, the address operation &x
generates a pointer of ^T
to x
. The operand must be addressable, meaning that either a variable, pointer indirection, or slice/dynamic array indexing operator; or a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array index operation of an addressable array; or a type assertion of an addressable union or any
; or a compound literal value.
For an operand x
of pointer type ^T
, the pointer indirection x^
denotes the variable of type T
pointed to by x
. If x
is an invalid address, such as nil
, an attempt to evaluate x^
will result in platform specific behaviour - on most platforms this will be a segmentation fault.
&Foo{1, 2}
x: ^int = nil
x^ // causes a runtime panic
Ternary Operators #
x if cond else y // ternary runtime conditional expression
x when cond else y // ternary compile-time conditional expression
cond ? x : y // ternary runtime conditional expression, equivalent to "x if cond else y"
Other operators #
- see section on
- see section on
- see section on
- see section on
- see section on
- see section on
- see section on
- see section on
- set membership (e in A
contains elemente
)- Used for
types andmap
- Used for
- not set membership (e not_in A
does not containe
)- Used for
types andmap
- Used for
- inclusive range..<
- half open range
The range operations ..=
and ..<
are only possible within certain contexts:
for x in a..<b {}
for x in a..=b {}
switch x {
case a..<b:
case c..=d:
foo := [?]int{0..=3 = 1} // initialises as: [1, 1, 1, 1]
bar := [?]int{0 = 0, 1..<3 = 1} // initialises as: [0, 1, 1]
and not_in
are not allowed in within a for loop condition without ambiguity:
for x in y {} // range loop
for (x in y) {} // condition-only for-loop (while-loop in some other languages)
Operator precedence #
Unary operators have the highest precedence.
There are seven precedence levels for binary (and ternary) operators.
Precedence Operator
7 * / % %% & &~ << >>
6 + - | ~ in not_in
5 == != < > <= >=
4 &&
3 ||
2 ..= ..<
1 or_else ? if when
Binary operators of the same precedence associate from left to right. For instance x / y * z
is the same as (x / y) * z
Integer operators #
For two integers values x
and y
, the integer quotient q = x/y
and remainder r = x%y
satisfies the following relationships:
x = q*y + r and |r| < |y|
with x/y
truncated towards zero (truncated division).
For two integers values x
and y
, the integer quotient q = x/y
and remainder r = x%%y
satisfies the following relationships:
r = x - y*floor(x/y)
The exception to these rules are when the dividend x
is the most non-negative value for the integer type of x
, and the quotient q = x/-1
is equal to x
(and r or m = 0
) due to two’s complement integer overflow.
If the divisor is a constant, it must not be zero. If the divisor is zero at runtime, a runtime panic occurs.
The shift operators shift the left operand by the shift count specified by the right operand, which must be non-negative. The shift operators implement arithmetic shifts if the left operand is a signed integer and logical shifts if the left operand is an unsigned integer. There is not an upper limit on the shift count. Shifts behave as if the left operand is shifted n
times by 1
for a shift count of n
. Therefore, x<<1
is the same as x*2
and x>>1
is the same as x/2
but truncated towards negative infinity.
// These are equivalent:
x << y
x << y if y < 8*size_of(x) else 0
x >> y
x >> y if y < 8*size_of(x) else 0
Integer overflow #
For unsigned integers, the operations +
, -
, *
, and <<
are computed modulo 2n, where n is the bit width of the unsigned integer’s type. In a sense, these unsigned integer operations discard the high bits upon overflow, and programs may rely on “wrap around”.
For signed integers, the operations +
, -
, *
, /
, and <<
may legally overflow and the resulting value exists and is deterministically defined by the signed integer representation. Overflow does not cause a runtime panic. A compiler may not optimize code under the assumption that overflow does not occur. For instance, x < x+1
may not be assumed to be always true.
Floating-point operators #
For floating-point, complex numbers, quaternions, and other floating-point embedded types:
is the same asx
is the negation ofx
The result of a floating-point related division by zero is not specified beyond the IEEE-754 standard; a runtime panic will occur.
An implementation may combine multiple floating-point operations into a single fused operation, and produce a result that differs from the value obtained by executing and rounding the instructions individually.
Advanced types #
Type alias #
You can alias a named type with another name:
My_Int :: int
#assert(My_Int == int)
Distinct types #
A distinct type allows for the creation of a new type with the same underlying semantics.
My_Int :: distinct int
#assert(My_Int != int)
Aggregate types (struct, enum, union) will always be distinct even when named.
Foo :: struct {}
#assert(Foo != struct{})
Fixed arrays #
An array is a simplified fixed length container. Each element in an array has the same type. An array’s index can be any integer, character, or enumeration type.
An array can be constructed like the following:
x := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
for i in 0..=4 {
Fixed arrays are equivalent to a struct with a field for each element. They are just a number of values in a row in memory.
The notation x[i]
is used to access the i-th element of x
; and 0-index based (like C).
The above array can also be constructed with a question mark (?
) to automatically infer its length:
x := [?]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Construct an array with designated initializers:
favorite_animals := [?]string{
// Assign by index
0 = "Raven",
1 = "Zebra",
2 = "Spider",
// Assign by range of indices
3..=5 = "Frog",
6..<8 = "Cat"
The built-in len
proc returns the array’s length.
x: [5]int
#assert(len(x) == 5)
Array access is bounds checked by default, both at compile-time (with constant indices) and at runtime. This can be disabled and enabled at a per block level with the #no_bounds_check
and #bounds_check
directives, respectively:
#no_bounds_check {
x[n] = 123 // n could be in or out of range of valid indices
can be used to improve performance when the bounds are known to not exceed.
Array programming #
Odin’s fixed length arrays support array programming.
Vector3 :: [3]f32
a := Vector3{1, 4, 9}
b := Vector3{2, 4, 8}
c := a + b // {3, 8, 17}
d := a * b // {2, 16, 72}
e := c != d // true
n.b. Odin also supports matrix
Swizzle Operations #
a := [3]f32{10, 20, 30}
b := swizzle(a, 2, 1, 0)
assert(b == [3]f32{30, 20, 10})
c := swizzle(a, 0, 0)
assert(c == [2]f32{10, 10})
assert(c == 10) // assert all elements == 10
Builtin implicit swizzle fields are available on any array with length <= 4 as xyzw
and rgba
Vector3 :: distinct [3]f32
a := Vector3{1, 2, 3}
b := Vector3{5, 6, 7}
c := (a * b)/2 + 1
d := c.x + c.y + c.z
fmt.printf("%.1f\n", d) // 22.0
cross :: proc(a, b: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
i := swizzle(a, 1, 2, 0) * swizzle(b, 2, 0, 1)
j := swizzle(a, 2, 0, 1) * swizzle(b, 1, 2, 0)
return i - j
cross_shorter :: proc(a, b: Vector3) -> Vector3 {
i := a.yzx * b.zxy
j := a.zxy * b.yzx
return i - j
blah :: proc(a: Vector3) -> f32 {
return a.x + a.y + a.z
x := cross(a, b)
Slices #
Slices look similar to arrays however, their length is not known at compile time. The type []T
is a slice with elements of type T
. In practice, slices are much more common than arrays.
A slice is formed by specifying two indices, a low and high bound, separated by a colon:
a[low : high]
This selects a half-open range which includes the lower element, but excludes the higher element.
fibonaccis := [6]int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5}
s: []int = fibonaccis[1:4] // creates a slice which includes elements 1 through 3
fmt.println(s) // 1, 1, 2
Slices are like references to arrays; they do not store any data, rather they describe a section, or slice, of underlying data.
Internally, a slice stores a pointer to the data and an integer to store the length of the slice.
The built-in len
proc returns the array’s length.
x: []int = ...
length_of_x := len(x)
Slice literals #
A slice literal is like an array literal without the length. This is an array literal:
[3]int{1, 6, 3}
This is a slice literal which creates the same array as above, and then creates a slice that references it:
[]int{1, 6, 3}
Slice shorthand #
For the array:
a: [6]int
these slice expressions are equivalent:
When grabbing a chunk of a slice:
can also be written:
Nil slices #
The zero value of a slice is nil
. A nil slice has a length of 0 and does not point to any underlying memory. Slices can be compared against nil
and nothing else.
s: []int
if s == nil {
fmt.println("s is nil!")
Sort slices #
A slice literal can be sorted in ascending order as follows:
s := []int{1, 6, 3, 5 ,7, 3, 0}
or in descending order
r := []int{1, 6, 3, 5 ,7, 3, 0}
Dynamic arrays #
Dynamic arrays are similar to slices, but their lengths may change during runtime. Dynamic arrays are resizeable and they are allocated using the current context’s allocator.
x: [dynamic]int
Along with the built-in proc len
, dynamic arrays also have cap
which can used to determine the dynamic array’s current underlying capacity.
Appending to a dynamic array #
It is common to append new elements to a dynamic array; this can be done using the built-in append
x: [dynamic]int
append(&x, 123)
append(&x, 4, 1, 74, 3) // append multiple values at once
y: [dynamic]int
append(&y, ..x[:]) // append a slice
Inject / Assign to a dynamic array #
Injecting into a specific index can be done with inject
. It will move other elements upwards when inserted below other elements.
Assign a type at a specific index can be done with assign
. It’s the same as doing x[index] = 10
Both of these procedures will resize the dynamic array len
to the wanted index. This can be seen in the example below.
x := make([dynamic]int, 0, 16)
inject_at(&x, 0, 10)
inject_at(&x, 3, 10) // resizes till length
fmt.eprintln(x[:], len(x), cap(x)) // [10, 0, 0, 10] 4 16
assign_at(&x, 3, 20)
assign_at(&x, 4, 30)
fmt.eprintln(x[:], len(x), cap(x)) // [10, 0, 0, 20, 30] 5, 16
assign_at(&x, 5, 40, 50, 60)
fmt.eprintln(x[:], len(x), cap(x)) // [10, 0, 0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] 8 16
Removing from a dynamic array #
Removing from a dynamic array can be done in several ways using the built-in procedures:
pops the last element of the arrayunordered_remove
removes an element at a specific index. Unordered means it isO(1)
, since it swaps the last element to the removed location - making the array be sorted differently.ordered_remove
removes an element at a specific index. Ordered means it will move all elements after the index downwards with acopy
- ensuring elements remain in the same order.
x: [dynamic]int
append(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
pop(&x) // [1, 2, 3, 4]
ordered_remove(&x, 0) // [2, 3, 4]
unordered_remove(&x, 0) // [4, 3]
Other variants can be found in the built-in procedures documentation.
Slice & Sort a dynamic array #
Although dynamic arrays and slices are different concepts, dynamic arrays can be ‘sliced’ and sorted as follows:
s: [dynamic]int
append(&s, 1, 6, 3, 5, 7, 3, 0) // [1, 6, 3, 5, 7, 3, 0]
slice.sort(s[:]) // [0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7]
Making and deleting slices and dynamic arrays #
Slices and dynamic arrays can be explicitly allocated with the built-in make
a := make([]int, 6) // len(a) == 6
b := make([dynamic]int, 6) // len(b) == 6, cap(b) == 6
c := make([dynamic]int, 0, 6) // len(c) == 0, cap(c) == 6
d := []int{1, 2, 3} // a slice literal, for comparison
// with an explicit allocator:
e := make([]int, 6, context.allocator)
f := make([dynamic]int, 0, 6, context.allocator)
Slices and dynamic arrays can be deleted with the built-in delete
// delete(d) // no need to clean up slice literals
delete(e) // slices are always deleted from context.allocator
delete(f) // dynamic arrays remember their allocator
Note: There is no automatic memory management in Odin.
Clearing a dynamic array #
Instead of deleting the array you often want to simply clear the dynamic array. This will set the length len()
to be 0
, while the capacity cap
remains the same.
x: [dynamic]int
append(&x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fmt.println(len(x)) // 5
clear(&x) // []
fmt.println(len(x)) // 0
Resize / Reserve with a dynamic array #
Often enough we also want to resize or reserve a specific amount for a dynamic array. It’s important to understand the difference between the two operations.
- resize will try to resize memory of a passed dynamic array to the requested element count (setting the
, and possiblycap
). - reserve will try to reserve memory of a passed dynamic array to the requested element count (setting the
). - shrink will shrink the capacity of a dynamic array down to the current length, or the given capacity.
x: [dynamic]int
fmt.println(len(x), cap(x)) // 0 0
append(&x, 1, 2, 3) // [1, 2, 3]
fmt.println(len(x), cap(x)) // 3 8
resize(&x, 5)
fmt.println(x[:]) // [1, 2, 3, 0, 0] other values are zero'd memory
fmt.println(len(x), cap(x)) // 5 8
reserve(&x, 32)
fmt.println(len(x), cap(x)) // 5 32
fmt.println(len(x), cap(x)) // 5 5
Small_Array(N, T)
container dynamic array #
The core
library also contains a container dynamic array Small_Array(N, T). It implements most dynamic array procedures while being able to remain on the stack.
Short Example:
import sa "core:container/small_array"
x: sa.Small_Array(8, int)
fmt.println(sa.len(x), sa.cap(x)) // 0 8
sa.append(&x, 1, 2, 3)
fmt.println(sa.len(x), sa.cap(x)) // 3 8
fmt.println(sa.slice(&x)) // [1, 2, 3]
Enumerations #
Enumeration types define a new type whose values consist of the ones specified. The values are ordered, for example:
Direction :: enum{North, East, South, West}
The following holds:
int(Direction.North) == 0
int(Direction.East) == 1
int(Direction.South) == 2
int(Direction.West) == 3
Enum fields can be assigned an explicit value:
Foo :: enum {
B = 4, // Holes are valid
C = 7,
D = 1337,
If an enumeration requires a specific size, a backing integer type can be specified. By default, int
is used as the backing type for an enumeration.
Foo :: enum u8 {A, B, C} // Foo will only be 8 bits
Implicit Selector Expression #
An implicit selector expression is an abbreviated way to access a member of an enumeration, in a context where type inference can determine the implied type. It has the following form:
For example:
Foo :: enum{A, B, C}
f: Foo
f = Foo.A
f = .A
switch f {
case .A:
case .B:
case .C:
can also be used with an enumeration to bring the fields into the current scope:
main :: proc() {
Foo :: enum {A, B, C}
using Foo
a := A
Note: Implicit selector expression is preferred to using
an enumeration as using
does pollute the current scope.
Iterating an Enumeration #
Enums can be trivially for
looped in odin. This way we can loop through the entire enum
and do things like printing or inserting into an Enumerated Array.
Direction :: enum{North, East, South, West}
for direction, index in Direction {
fmt.println(index, direction)
// 0 North
// 1 East
// 2 South
// 3 West
Enumerated Array #
Enumerated Arrays
allow the use of an Enum
to be used as indices to a fixed array
We’ll extend the Direction
enum used previously to add direction vectors.
Direction :: enum{North, East, South, West}
Direction_Vectors :: [Direction][2]int {
.North = { 0, -1 },
.East = { +1, 0 },
.South = { 0, +1 },
.West = { -1, 0 },
assert(Direction_Vectors[.North] == { 0, -1 })
assert(Direction_Vectors[.East] == { 1, 0 })
assert(Direction_Vectors[cast(Direction) 2] == { 0, 1 })
The #partial
directive can be used to initialize an enumerated array partially.
arr: [enum {A, B, C}]int
arr = #partial { // without partial the compiler would complain
.A = 42,
fmt.println(arr) // [.A = 42, .B = 0, .C = 0]
Bit sets #
The bit_set
type models the mathematical notion of a set. A bit_set’s element type can be either an enumeration or a range:
Direction :: enum{North, East, South, West}
Direction_Set :: bit_set[Direction]
Char_Set :: bit_set['A'..='Z']
Number_Set :: bit_set[0..<10] // bit_set[0..=9]
Bit sets are implemented as bit vectors internally for high performance. The zero value of a bit set is either nil
or {}
x: Char_Set
x = {'A', 'B', 'Y'}
y: Direction_Set
y = {.North, .West}
Bit sets support the following operations:
A + B
- union of two sets (equivalent toA | B
)A - B
- difference of two sets (A without B’s elements) (equivalent toA &~ B
)A & B
- intersection of two setsA | B
- union of two sets (equivalent toA + B
)A &~ B
- difference of two sets (A without B’s elements) (equivalent toA - B
)A ~ B
- symmetric difference (Elements that are in A and B but not both)A == B
- set equalityA != B
- set inequalityA <= B
- subset relation (A is a subset of B or equal to B)A < B
- strict subset relation (A is a proper subset of B)A >= B
- superset relation (A is a superset of B or equal to B)A > B
- strict superset relation (A is a proper superset of B)e in A
- set membership (A contains element e)e not_in A
- A does not contain element e
Bit sets are often used to denote flags. This is much cleaner than defining integer constants that need to be bitwise or-ed together.
If a bit set requires a specific size, the underlying integer type can be specified:
Char_Set :: bit_set['A'..='Z'; u64]
#assert(size_of(Char_Set) == size_of(u64))
To get the number of elements set, its cardinality, of a bit_set, use the built-in card procedure:
x: Direction_Set
x = {.North, .West}
count := card(x)
assert(count == 2)
Pointers #
Odin has pointers. A pointer is a memory address of a value. The type ^T
is a pointer to a T
value. Its zero value is nil
p: ^int
The &
operator takes the address of its operand (if possible):
i := 123
p := &i
The ^
operator dereferences the pointer’s underlying value:
fmt.println(p^) // read `i` through the pointer `p`
p^ = 1337 // write `i` through the pointer `p`
Note: C programmers may be used to using *
to denote pointers. In Odin, the ^
syntax is borrowed from Pascal. This is to keep the convention of the type on the left and its usage on the right:
p: ^int // ^ on the left
x := p^ // ^ on the right
Note: Unlike C, Odin has no pointer arithmetic. If you need a form of pointer arithmetic, please use the ptr_offset
and ptr_sub
procedures in the "core:mem"
Structs #
A struct
is a record type in Odin. It is a collection of fields. Struct fields are accessed by using a dot:
Vector2 :: struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
v := Vector2{1, 2}
v.x = 4
Struct fields can be accessed through a struct pointer:
v := Vector2{1, 2}
p := &v
p.x = 1335
We could write p^.x
, however, it is nice to not have to explicitly dereference the pointer. This is very useful when refactoring code to use a pointer rather than a value, and vice versa.
Struct literals #
A struct literal can be denoted by providing the struct’s type followed by {}
. A struct literal must either provide all the arguments or none:
Vector3 :: struct {
x, y, z: f32,
v: Vector3
v = Vector3{} // Zero value
v = Vector3{1, 4, 9}
You can list just a subset of the fields if you specify the field by name (the order of the named fields does not matter):
v := Vector3{z=1, y=2}
assert(v.x == 0)
assert(v.y == 2)
assert(v.z == 1)
Structs can be nested by defining a field as a struct.
Foo :: struct {
a, b, c: int,
bar_1: struct {
x, y, z: int,
bar_2: struct {
x, y, z: int,
_: struct {
x, y, z: int,
Struct directives #
Structs can be annotated with different memory layout and alignment requirements:
struct #align(4) {...} // align to 4 bytes
struct #packed {...} // remove padding between fields
struct #raw_union {...} // all fields share the same offset (0). This is the same as C's union
Struct field tags #
Struct fields can be tagged with a string literal to attach meta-information which can be used with runtime-type information. Usually this is used to provide transactional information info on how a struct field is encoded to or decoded from another format, but you can store whatever you want within the string literal
User :: struct {
flag: bool, // untagged field
age: int "custom whatever information",
name: string `json:"username" xml:"user-name" fmt:"q"`, // `core:reflect` layout
Within Odin’s core library, the standard convention is to store a key
that denotes the package and then a subsequence "value"
. For example, json
keys are processed and used by core:encoding/json
package, fmt
keys are processed by core:fmt
If multiple information is to be passed in the "value"
, usually it is specified by separating it with a common (,
), e.g.
name: string `json:"username,omitempty",
n.b. Field tags also exist for bit_field
record types.
Unions #
A union
in Odin is a discriminated union, also known as a tagged union or sum type. The zero value of a union is nil
Value :: union {
v: Value
v = "Hellope"
// type assert that `v` is a `string` and panic otherwise
s1 := v.(string)
// type assert but with an explicit boolean check. This will not panic
s2, ok := v.(string)
Type switch statement #
A type switch is a construct that allows several type assertions in series. A type switch is like a regular switch statement, but the cases are types (not values). For a union, the only case types allowed are that of the union.
value: Value = ...
switch v in value {
case string:
#assert(type_of(v) == string)
case bool:
#assert(type_of(v) == bool)
case i32, f32:
// This case allows for multiple types, therefore we cannot know which type to use
// `v` remains the original union value
#assert(type_of(v) == Value)
// Default case
// In this case, it is `nil`
Union tags #
Applying the #no_nil
tag to a union type states it does not have a nil
value. Unions with #no_nil
must have at least two variants and the first variant is its default type:
Value :: union #no_nil {bool, string}
v: Value
_, ok := v.(bool)
The #shared_nil
tag normalizes each variant’s nil
value into nil
on assignment. If you assign nil
or zero values to a union with #shared_nil
the union will be nil
. Unions with #shared_nil
require all variants to have a nil
Error :: union #shared_nil {
File_Error :: enum {
None = 0,
Memory_Error :: enum {
None = 0,
shared_nil_example :: proc() {
an_error: Error
an_error = File_Error.None
assert(an_error == nil)
Unions also have the #align
tag, like structures:
union #align(4) {...} // align to 4 bytes
Maps #
A map
maps keys to values. The zero value of a map is nil
. A nil
map has no keys. The built-in make
proc returns an initialized map using the current context, and delete
can be used to delete a map.
m := make(map[string]int)
defer delete(m)
m["Bob"] = 2
To insert or update an element of a map:
m[key] = elem
To retrieve an element:
elem = m[key]
To remove an element:
delete_key(&m, key)
If an element of a key does not exist, the zero value of the element will be returned. Checking to see if an element exists can be done in two ways:
elem, ok := m[key] // `ok` is true if the element for that key exists
ok := key in m // `ok` is true if the element for that key exists
The first approach is called the “comma ok idiom”.
You can also initialize maps with map literals:
m := map[string]int{
"Bob" = 2,
"Chloe" = 5,
Note: To enable compound literals for map
s, #+feature dynamic-literals
must be enabled per file. This is because dynamic literals will use the current context.allocator
and thus implicitly allocate. The opt-in feature is there in order for Odin to not implicitly allocate by default and not give the user any surprises.
Modifying existing map slots needs to be done in two steps. However assigning to a struct field is prohibited.
Test :: struct {
x: int,
y: int,
m := map[string]Test{
"Bob" = { 0, 0 },
"Chloe" = { 1, 1 },
value, ok := &m["Bob"]
if ok {
value^ = { 2, 2 }
fmt.println(m["Bob"]) // { 2, 2 }
m["Bob"] = { 3, 3 }
fmt.println(m["Bob"]) // { 3, 3 }
m["Chloe"].x = 0 // PROHIBITED
Map Container Calls #
The built-in map also supports all the standard container calls that can be found with the dynamic array.
returns the amount of slots used upcap(some_map)
returns the capacity of the map - the map will reallocate when exceededclear(&some_map)
clears the entire map - dynamically allocated content needs to be freed manuallyreserve(&some_map, capacity)
reserves the requested element countshrink(&some_map)
shrink the capacity down to the current length
Bit Fields #
A bit_field
is a record type in Odin that is akin to a bit-packed struct. Note: bit_field
is not equivalent to bit_set
as it has different semantics and use cases. bit_field
fields are accessed by using a dot:
Foo :: bit_field u16 { // backing type must be an integer or array of integers
x: i32 | 3, // signed integers will be signed extended on use
y: u16 | 2 + 3, // general expressions
z: My_Enum | foo.SOME_CONSTANT, // ability to define the bit-width elsewhere
w: bool | 2 when foo.SOME_CONSTANT > 10 else 1,
v := Foo{}
v.x = 3 // truncates the value to fit into 3 bits
fmt.println(v.x) // accessing will convert `v.x` to an `i32` and do an appropriate sign extension
A bit_field
is different from a struct
in that you must specify the backing type. This backing type must be an integer or a fixed-length array of integers. This is useful if there needs to be a specific alignment or access pattern for the record.
Foo :: bit_field u32 {...}
Foo :: bit_field [4]u8 {...}
- If all of the fields in a
are 1-bit in size and are a boolean, please consider using abit_set
instead. - Odin’s
and C’s bit-fields might not be compatible- Odin’s
s have a well defined layout (Least-Significant-Bit) - C’s bit fields on
s are undefined and are not portable across targets and compilers
- Odin’s
Procedure type #
A procedure type is internally a pointer to a procedure in memory. nil
is the zero value a procedure type.
proc(x: int) -> bool
proc(c: proc(x: int) -> bool) -> (i32, f32)
Or you can assign them to a variable:
Callback :: proc() -> int
a: Callback // nil
assert(a == nil)
a = proc() -> int { return 0 }
fmt.println(a()) // 0
a = proc() -> int { return 100 }
fmt.println(a()) // 100
Calling conventions #
Odin supports the following calling conventions:
- odin - default convention used for an Odin proc. It is the same as cdecl but passes an implicit
pointer on each call. (Note: This is subject to change) - contextless - This is the same as odin but without the implicit
pointer. - stdcall or std – This is the stdcall convention as specified by Microsoft.
- cdecl or c – This is the default calling convention generated of a procedure in C.
- fastcall or fast - This is a compiler dependent calling convention.
- none - This is a compiler dependent calling convention which will do nothing to parameters.
Most calling conventions exist only to interface with foreign Windows code.
The default calling convention is odin, unless it is within a foreign
block, where it is then cdecl.
A procedure type with a different calling convention can be declared like the following:
proc "c" (n: i32, data: rawptr)
proc "contextless" (s: []int)
Procedure types are only compatible with the procedures that have the same calling convention and parameter types.
When binding to C libraries you’ll often end up using proc "c"
and also set the current context. For this you’ll need to explicitly set the context.
type #
A typeid
is a unique identifier for an Odin type. This construct is used by the any
type to denote what the underlying data’s type is.
a := typeid_of(bool)
i: int = 123
b := typeid_of(type_of(i))
A typeid
can be mapped to relevant type information which can be used in applications such as printing types and editing data:
import "base:runtime"
main :: proc() {
u := u8(123)
id := typeid_of(type_of(u))
info: ^runtime.Type_Info
info = type_info_of(id)
Type #
An any
type can reference any data type. Internally it contains a pointer to the underlying data and its relevant typeid
. This is a very useful construct in order to have a runtime type safe printing procedure.
Note: The any
value is only valid for as long as the underlying data is still valid. Passing a literal to an any
will allocate the literal in the current stack frame.
Note: It is highly recommended that you do not use this unless you know what you are doing. Its primary use is for printing procedures.
Multi Pointers #
Multi-Pointers in Odin are a way to describe foreign
(C-like) pointers which act like arrays (pointers that map to multiple items). The type [^]T
is a multi-pointer to T value(s). Its zero value is nil
p: [^]int
What multi-pointers support:
- Index (without any bounds checking)
- Slicing (bounds checking on if both the low and high operands are given)
- Implicit conversions between
- Implicit conversion to
(like all pointers)
What multi-pointers DO NOT SUPPORT:
- Dereferencing (which makes it closer to a slim-slice than a pointer)
The main purpose of this type is to aid with foreign
code and act as a way to auto-document functionality and allow for easier transition to Odin code, especially converting pointers into slices.
The following are the rules for indexing and slicing for multi-pointers, and what type they produce depending on the operands given:
x: [^]T = ...
x[i] -> T
x[:] -> [^]T
x[i:] -> [^]T
x[:n] -> []T
x[i:n] -> []T
Interacting with Multi-Pointers is easiest using the builtin raw_data()
call which can return a Multi-Pointer.
a: [^]int
fmt.println(a) // <nil>
b := [?]int { 10, 20, 30 }
a = raw_data(b[:])
fmt.println(a, a[1], b) // 0x7FFCBE9FE688 20 [10, 20, 30]
Note: The name of multi-pointers may be subject to change.
SOA Data Types #
Array of Structures (AoS), Structure of Arrays (SoA), and Array of Structures of Arrays (AoSoA) refer to differing ways to arrange a sequence of data records in memory, with regard to interleaving. These are of interest in SIMD and SIMT programming.
SOA Struct Arrays #
Vector3 :: struct {x, y, z: f32}
N :: 2
v_aos: [N]Vector3
v_aos[0].x = 1
v_aos[0].y = 4
v_aos[0].z = 9
v_aos[1] = {0, 3, 4}
v_aos[1].x = 2
v_soa: #soa[N]Vector3
v_soa[0].x = 1
v_soa[0].y = 4
v_soa[0].z = 9
// Same syntax as AOS and treat as if it was an array
v_soa[1] = {0, 3, 4}
v_soa[1].x = 2
// Can use SOA syntax if necessary
v_soa.x[0] = 1
v_soa.y[0] = 4
v_soa.z[0] = 9
// Same pointer addresses with both syntaxes
assert(&v_soa[0].x == &v_soa.x[0])
// Same fmt printing
Works with arrays of length <= 4 which have the implicit fields xyzw/rgba
Vector3 :: distinct [3]f32
N :: 2
v_aos: [N]Vector3
v_aos[0].x = 1
v_aos[0].y = 4
v_aos[0].z = 9
v_soa: #soa[N]Vector3
v_soa[0].x = 1
v_soa[0].y = 4
v_soa[0].z = 9
SOA Struct Slices and Dynamic Arrays #
Fixed-length SOA types can be sliced to produce SOA slices.
Vector3 :: struct {x: i8, y: i16, z: f32}
N :: 3
v: #soa[N]Vector3
v[0].x = 1
v[0].y = 4
v[0].z = 9
s: #soa[]Vector3
s = v[:]
assert(len(s) == N)
a := s[1:2]
assert(len(a) == 1)
To be complete with SOA slices, Odin also supports SOA dynamic arrays.
d: #soa[dynamic]Vector3
append_soa(&d, Vector3{1, 2, 3}, Vector3{4, 5, 9}, Vector3{-4, -4, 3})
and soa_unzip
SOA is not just useful for high performance scenarios but also for everyday tasks which are normally only achievable in higher level languages. soa_zip
is a built-in procedure which allows the user to treat multiple slices as if they are part of the same data structures, utilizing the power of SOA.
x := []i32{1, 3, 9}
y := []f32{2, 4, 16}
z := []b32{true, false, true}
// produce an #soa slice with the normal slices passed
s := soa_zip(a=x, b=y, c=z)
// iterate over the #soa slice
for v, i in s {
fmt.println(v, i) // exactly the same as s[i]
// NOTE: `v` is NOT a temporary value but has a specialized addressing mode
// which means that when accessing v.a etc, it does the correct transformation
// internally:
// s[i].a === s.a[i]
fmt.println(v.a, v.b, v.c)
is a built-in procedure which allows the user to recover the slices from an #soa
// Recover the slices from the #soa slice
a, b, c := soa_unzip(s)
fmt.println(a, b, c)
type #
A matrix
is a mathematical type built into Odin. It is a regular array of numbers, arranged in rows and columns.
The following represents a matrix that has 2 rows and 3 columns:
m: matrix[2, 3]f32
m = matrix[2, 3]f32{
1, 9, -13,
20, 5, -6,
Element types of integers, float, and complex numbers are supported by matrices. There is no support for booleans, quaternions, or any compound type.
Indexing a matrix can be used with the matrix indexing syntax. This mirrors other type usages: type on the left, usage on the right.
elem := m[1, 2] // row 1, column 2
Scalars act as if they are scaled identity matrices and can be assigned to matrices as them
b := matrix[2, 2]f32{}
f := f32(3)
b = f
fmt.println("b", b)
fmt.println("b == f", b == f)
Matrices support multiplication between matrices:
a := matrix[2, 3]f32{
2, 3, 1,
4, 5, 0,
b := matrix[3, 2]f32{
1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
fmt.println("a", a)
fmt.println("b", b)
c := a * b
#assert(type_of(c) == matrix[2, 2]f32)
fmt.tprintln("c = a * b", c)
Matrices support multiplication between matrices and arrays:
m := matrix[4, 4]f32{
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 5, 4, 2,
0, 1, 3, 0,
0, 1, 4, 1,
v := [4]f32{1, 5, 4, 3}
// treating `v` as a column vector
fmt.println("m * v", m * v)
// treating `v` as a row vector
fmt.println("v * m", v * m)
// Support with non-square matrices
s := matrix[2, 4]f32{ // [4][2]f32 default layout
2, 4, 3, 1,
7, 8, 6, 5,
w := [2]f32{1, 2}
r: [4]f32 = w * s
fmt.println("r", r)
Component-wise operations:
// if the element type supports it
// Not support for '/', '%', or '%%' operations
a := matrix[2, 2]i32{
1, 2,
3, 4,
b := matrix[2, 2]i32{
-5, 1,
9, -7,
c0 := a + b
c1 := a - b
c2 := a & b
c3 := a | b
c4 := a ~ b
c5 := a &~ b
// component-wise multiplication
// since a * b would be a standard matrix multiplication
c6 := hadamard_product(a, b)
fmt.println("a + b", c0)
fmt.println("a - b", c1)
fmt.println("a & b", c2)
fmt.println("a | b", c3)
fmt.println("a ~ b", c4)
fmt.println("a &~ b", c5)
fmt.println("hadamard_product(a, b)", c6)
Submatrix Casting #
Submatrix casting square matrices #
Casting a square matrix to another square matrix with same element type is supported.
- If the cast is to a smaller matrix type, the top-left submatrix is taken.
- If the cast is to a larger matrix type, the matrix is extended with zeros everywhere and ones in the diagonal for the unfilled elements of the extended matrix.
mat2 :: distinct matrix[2, 2]f32
mat4 :: distinct matrix[4, 4]f32
m2 := mat2{
1, 3,
2, 4,
m4 := mat4(m2)
assert(m4[2, 2] == 1)
assert(m4[3, 3] == 1)
fmt.printf("m2 %#v\n", m2)
fmt.println("m4", m4)
fmt.println("mat2(m4)", mat2(m4))
assert(mat2(m4) == m2)
b4 := mat4{
1, 2, 0, 0,
3, 4, 0, 0,
5, 0, 6, 0,
0, 7, 0, 8,
fmt.println("b4", matrix_flatten(b4))
Casting non-square matrices #
Casting a matrix to another matrix is allowed as long as they share the same element type and the number of elements (rows*columns). Matrices in Odin are stored in column-major order, which means the casts will preserve this element order.
mat2x4 :: distinct matrix[2, 4]f32
mat4x2 :: distinct matrix[4, 2]f32
x := mat2x4{
1, 3, 5, 7,
2, 4, 6, 8,
y := mat4x2(x)
fmt.println("x", x)
fmt.println("y", y)
Technical Information of matrix
Types #
The default internal representation of a matrix in Odin is stored in column-major format
e.g. matrix[2, 3]f32
is internally [3][2]f32
(with a different alignment requirement).
Column-major is used in order to utilize (SIMD) vector instructions effectively on modern hardware, if possible.
If a row-major storage format is required, the #row_major
directive can be used.
e.g. #row_major matrix[2, 3]f32
is internally [2][3]f32
(with a different alignment requirement).
Unlike normal arrays, matrices try to maximize alignment to allow for the (SIMD) vectorization properties whilst keeping zero padding (either between columns (assuming default layout) or at the end of the type).
Zero padding is a compromise for use with third-party libraries, instead of optimizing for performance. Padding between columns (assuming default layout) was not taken even if that would have allowed each column to be loaded individually into a SIMD register with the correct alignment properties.
Currently, matrices are limited to a maximum of 16 elements (rows*columns), and a minimum of 1 element. This is because matrices are stored as values (not a reference type), and thus operations on them will be stored on the stack. Restricting the maximum element count minimizes the possibility of stack overflows.
Built-in Procedures (Compiler Level) in base:intrinsics
and core:math/linalg
transposes a matrixouter_product(a, b)
takes two array-like data types and returns the outer product of the values in a matrixhadamard_product(a, b)
component-wise multiplication of two matrices of the same typematrix_flatten(m)
- converts the matrix into a flatten array of elements in column-major order.
- conjugates the elements of a matrix for complex element types only
Procedures (Runtime Level) (all square matrix procedures) in core:math/linalg
procedure #
raw_data is a built-in procedure which returns the underlying data of a built-in data type as a Multi-Pointer.
raw_data([]$E) -> [^]E // slices
raw_data([dynamic]$E) -> [^]E // dynamic arrays
raw_data(^[$N]$E) -> [^]E // fixed array and enumerated arrays
raw_data(^#simd[$N]$E) -> [^]E // simd vectors
raw_data(string) -> [^]byte //
statement #
can be used to bring entities declared in a scope/namespace into the current scope. This can be applied to import names, struct fields, procedure fields, and struct values.
import "foo"
bar :: proc() {
// imports all the exported entities from the `foo` package into this scope
using foo
Using statement with structs #
Let’s take a very simple entity struct:
Vector3 :: struct{x, y, z: f32}
Entity :: struct {
position: Vector3,
orientation: quaternion128,
It can be used like this:
foo :: proc(entity: ^Entity) {
fmt.println(entity.position.x, entity.position.y, entity.position.z)
The entity members can be brought into the procedure scope by using
foo :: proc(entity: ^Entity) {
using entity
fmt.println(position.x, position.y, position.z)
The using
can be applied to the parameter directly:
foo :: proc(using entity: ^Entity) {
fmt.println(position.x, position.y, position.z)
It can also be applied to sub-fields:
foo :: proc(entity: ^Entity) {
using entity.position
fmt.println(x, y, z)
We can also apply the using
statement to the struct fields directly, making all the fields of position
appear as if they are on Entity
Entity :: struct {
using position: Vector3,
orientation: quaternion128,
foo :: proc(entity: ^Entity) {
fmt.println(entity.x, entity.y, entity.z)
Subtype polymorphism #
It is possible to get subtype polymorphism, similar to inheritance-like functionality in C++, but without the requirement of vtables or unknown struct layout:
foo :: proc(entity: Entity) {
fmt.println(entity.x, entity.y, entity.z)
Frog :: struct {
ribbit_volume: f32,
using entity: Entity,
frog: Frog
// Both work
frog.x = 123
Note: using
can be applied to arbitrarily many things, which allows the ability to have multiple subtype polymorphism (but also its issues).
Note: using
’d fields can still be referred by name.
expression #
is an infix binary operator that allows the user to define default values for certain expressions with optional-ok semantics.
m: map[string]int
i: int
ok: bool
if i, ok = m["hellope"]; !ok {
i = 123
// The above can be mapped to `or_else`
i = m["hellope"] or_else 123
assert(i == 123)
can be used with type assertions too, as they have optional-ok semantics.
v: union{int, f64}
i: int
i = v.(int) or_else 123
i = v.? or_else 123 // Type inference magic
assert(i == 123)
m: Maybe(int)
i = m.? or_else 456
assert(i == 456)
operator #
The concept of or_return
will work by popping off the end value in a multiple valued expression and checking whether it was not nil
or was false
, and if so, set the end return value to value if possible. If the procedure only has one return value, it will do a simple return. If the procedure had multiple return values, or_return
will require that all parameters be named so that the end value could be assigned to by name and then an empty return could be called.
Error :: enum {
caller_1 :: proc() -> Error {
return .None
caller_2 :: proc() -> (int, Error) {
return 123, .None
caller_3 :: proc() -> (int, int, Error) {
return 123, 345, .None
foo_1 :: proc() -> Error {
// This can be a common idiom in many code bases
n0, err := caller_2()
if err != nil {
return err
// The above idiom can be transformed into the following
n1 := caller_2() or_return
// And if the expression is 1-valued, it can be used like this
caller_1() or_return
// which is functionally equivalent to
if err1 := caller_1(); err1 != nil {
return err1
// Multiple return values still work with `or_return` as it only
// pops off the end value in the multi-valued expression
n0, n1 = caller_3() or_return
return .None
foo_2 :: proc() -> (n: int, err: Error) {
// It is more common that your procedure returns multiple values
// If `or_return` is used within a procedure that returns multiple
// values (2+), then all the returned values must be named
// so that a bare `return` statement can be used
// This can be a common idiom in many code bases
x: int
x, err = caller_2()
if err != nil {
// The above idiom can be transformed into the following
y := caller_2() or_return
_ = y
// And if the expression is 1-valued, it can be used like this
caller_1() or_return
// which is functionally equivalent to
if err1 := caller_1(); err1 != nil {
err = err1
// If using a non-bare `return` statement is required, setting the return values
// using the normal idiom is a better choice and clearer to read
if z, zerr := caller_2(); zerr != nil {
return -345 * z, zerr
// If the other return values need to be set depending on what the end value is,
// the `defer if` idiom can be used
defer if err != nil {
n = -1
n = 123
caller_4 :: proc() -> (n: int, ok: bool) {
return 3, true
foo_3 :: proc() -> (ok: bool) {
// `or_return` also supports the ok semantics common in Odin code.
// Note an error is indicated by `ok` being `false`
x := caller_4() or_return
if (x < 5) {
ok = true
operator #
is an operator that allows for simplified control flow in a loop. It functions much like a combination of or_return
and continue
in that it checks if the last value in a multiple-valued expression is false
or not nil
, and if so, behaves like a continue
import "core:fmt"
Job :: struct {
id: int,
tasks_left: int,
result: int,
error_has_occurred: bool,
// Returns true if it completed its last task.
do_work_until_done :: proc(job: ^Job) -> bool {
if job.tasks_left == 0 {
return false
job.result *= 3
job.tasks_left -= 1
return job.tasks_left == 0
// Returns a result and true if everything worked out.
// Otherwise, returns zero and false.
tally :: proc(job: ^Job) -> (int, bool) {
if job.error_has_occurred {
return 0, false
return job.result, true
main :: proc() {
jobs: [dynamic]Job
append(&jobs, Job{ id = 1, })
append(&jobs, Job{ id = 3, tasks_left = 2, result = 7 })
append(&jobs, Job{ id = 5, tasks_left = 1, result = 5 })
append(&jobs, Job{ id = 7, tasks_left = 1, result = 5, error_has_occurred = true })
job_loop: for &job in jobs {
do_work_until_done(&job) or_continue job_loop
result := tally(&job) or_continue job_loop
fmt.printfln("Job #%i has completed its work. Result is: %i",, result)
The example above will print the following:
Job #5 has completed its work. Result is: 15
Only job #5 completes, because it has only 1 task left and its error_has_occurred
is the default value, which is false
in this case, as every variable in Odin is implicitly zeroed out unless made explicit.
Without or_continue
, the above loop would look more like this:
// [...]
job_loop: for &job in jobs {
if !do_work_until_done(&job) {
continue job_loop
result, ok := tally(&job)
if !ok {
continue job_loop
fmt.printfln("Job #%i has completed its work. Result is: %i",, result)
// [...]
The underlying operation is the same, but the code is more verbose where it doesn’t need to be.
As shown in the example, or_continue
also works with labels, just like continue
operator #
follows the same mechanics as or_continue
, except that it performs a break
operation on its containing loop instead of a continue
Conditional compilation #
A couple of ways are provided for doing this, and each of them have their uses.
File suffixes #
Often, you want to separate multiple implementations of a package based on the OS or the architecture.
Your .odin files can have a magic suffix that will cause the compiler to either include or exclude them based on the target platform or architecture, or both.
For example, foobar_windows.odin
would only be compiled on Windows, foobar_linux.odin
only on Linux, and foobar_windows_amd64.odin
only on Windows AMD64.
Another reserved suffix is _test
, which includes a file only when testing. Assume a package with foobar.odin
and foobar_test.odin
. Anything in foobar_test.odin
will be hidden from foobar.odin
, unless the odin test
command is used.
Note that the entry point procedure main
must not be located in a file with the _test
Please see the procedure attribute @(test)
for more information.
statements #
Sometimes you only want compile a block of code if a certain compile-time expression evaluates to true
. This can be done using the when statements:
when ODIN_OS == .Linux {
// Do Linux stuff
The compiler provides a set of builtin constants which are available in all files in a compilation, and which can be used in a when
condition. Here is a comprehensive list of them:
Name | Description |
ODIN_VERSION | A string that represents the Odin compiler version being used. (e.g: dev-2023-04 ) |
ODIN_OS , ODIN_OS_STRING | An enum value, or string, respectively, indicating what the target operating system is. |
ODIN_ENDIAN , ODIN_ENDIAN_STRING | An enum value, or string, respectively, indicating what the endianness of the target is. |
ODIN_ARCH , ODIN_ARCH_STRING | An enum value, or string, respectively, indicating what the CPU architecture of the target is. |
ODIN_DEBUG | true if -debug command line switch is passed, which enables debug info generation. |
ODIN_DISABLE_ASSERT | true if -disable-assert command line switch is passed, which removes all calls to assert from the compilation. |
ODIN_BUILD_MODE | An enum value indicating what type of compiled output the user desires. (.Executable , .Dynamic , .Object , .Assembly , or .LLVM_IR .) |
ODIN_ERROR_POS_STYLE | An enum value indicating what style is being used to print the source location of compile errors and warnings. (Default , Unix .) |
ODIN_DEFAULT_TO_NIL_ALLOCATOR | true if -default-to-nil-allocator command lines switch is passed, which sets the initial allocator to an allocator that does nothing. |
ODIN_NO_DYNAMIC_LITERALS | true if -no-dynamic-literals command line switch is passed, which prohibit dynamic array or map literals. |
ODIN_NO_CRT | true if -no-crt command line switch is passed, which inhibits linking with the C Runtime Library, a.k.a. LibC. |
ODIN_USE_SEPARATE_MODULES | true if -use-separate-modules command line switch is passed, which builds each package into its own object file, and then links them together, instead of performing a unity build. |
ODIN_TEST | true if the code is being compiled via an invocation of odin test . |
ODIN_NO_ENTRY_POINT | true if -no-entry-point command line switch is passed, which makes the declaration of a main procedure optional. |
ODIN_FOREIGN_ERROR_PROCEDURES | true if -foreign-error-procedures command line switch is passed, which inhibits generation of runtime error procedures, so that they can be in a separate compilation unit. |
ODIN_NO_RTTI | true if -no-rtti command line switch is passed, which inhibits generation of full Runtime Type Information. |
ODIN_ROOT | Path to the folder containing the Odin compiler executable. |
ODIN_BUILD_PROJECT_NAME | Name of the folder that contains the entry point. |
ODIN_VENDOR | String which identifies the compiler being used. The official compiler sets this to "odin" . |
ODIN_VALGRIND_SUPPORT | true if Valgrind integration is supported on the target. |
See the tracking allocator for an example of something that uses the ODIN_DEBUG
constant in a when
Command-line defines #
Sometimes you want to do something conditionally based on some compile-time parameters of some sort, but globally, across the entire project. This is how you define those.
You may define a constant using the -define
command line switch. e.g: -define:FOO=true
You can then fetch its value as a constant in your code like this:
FOO :: #config(FOO, false) // defines `FOO` as a constant with the default value of false
BAR :: #config(BAR_DEBUG, true) // name can be different compared to the constant
when FOO {
// only evaluated when `FOO` is true
} else {
// only evaluate when `FOO` is false
The value for a command line define may be an integer, boolean, or string. Currently, no other types are supported.
You can read up further on Built-in procedures here.
Build tags #
This feature allows you to cover more edge-case situations where you want some code to be compiled on several platforms.
However, overly-liberal use of this feature can make it hard to reason about what code is included or not, based on the target platform or architecture. File Suffixes are typically a nicer approach if they cover what you need.
For the sake of demonstration, let’s take POSIX: You could use foobar_unix.odin
, which has no special meaning to the compiler at all, and use a tag in the file itself.
Here’s an example of a file that will only be included on Linux or Darwin:
#+build linux, darwin
package foobar
The opposite, excluding the file on both Linux and Darwin, is achieved like this:
#+build !linux
#+build !darwin
package foobar
Implicit context system #
In each scope, there is an implicit value named context
. This context
variable is local to each scope and is implicitly passed by pointer to any procedure call in that scope (if the procedure has the Odin calling convention).
The main purpose of the implicit context
system is for the ability to intercept third-party code and libraries and modify their functionality. One such case is modifying how a library allocates something or logs something. In C, this was usually achieved with the library defining macros which could be overridden so that the user could define what they wanted. However, not many libraries supported this in many languages by default which meant intercepting third-party code to see what it does and to change how it does it was not possible.
main :: proc() {
c := context // copy the current scope's context
context.user_index = 456
context.allocator = my_custom_allocator()
context.user_index = 123
supertramp() // the `context` for this scope is implicitly passed to `supertramp`
// `context` value is local to the scope it is in
assert(context.user_index == 456)
supertramp :: proc() {
c := context // this `context` is the same as the parent procedure that it was called from
// From this example, context.user_index == 123
// A context.allocator is assigned to the return value of `my_custom_allocator()`
// The memory management procedure uses the `context.allocator` by default unless explicitly specified otherwise
ptr := new(int)
By default, the context
value has default values for its parameters which is decided in the package runtime. These defaults are compiler specific.
To see what the implicit context
value contains, please see the definition of the Context
struct in package runtime.
Allocators #
Odin is a manual memory management based language. This means that Odin programmers must manage their own memory, allocations, and tracking. To aid with memory management, Odin has huge support for custom allocators, especially through the implicit context
The built-in types of dynamic arrays and map
both contain a custom allocator. This allocator can be either manually set or the allocator from the current context
will be assigned to the data type.
All allocations in Odin are preferably done through allocators. The core library of Odin takes advantage of allocators through the implicit context
system. The following call:
ptr := new(int)
is equivalent to this:
ptr := new(int, context.allocator)
The allocator from the context
is implicitly assigned as a default parameter to the built-in procedure new
The implicit context
stores two different forms of allocators: context.allocator
and context.temp_allocator
. Both can be reassigned to any kind of allocator. However, these allocators are to be treated slightly differently.
is for “general” allocations, for the subsystem it is used within.context.temp_allocator
is for temporary and short lived allocations, which are to be freed once per cycle/frame/etc.
By default, the context.allocator
is an OS heap allocator and the context.temp_allocator
is assigned to a scratch allocator (a growing arena based allocator). free_all(context.temp_allocator)
must be called to clear the contents of the temporary allocator’s internal arena.
The following procedures are built-in (and also available in package mem
with enforced allocator errors) and are encouraged for managing memory:
- allocates a value of the type given. The result value is a pointer to the type given.
ptr := new(int)
ptr^ = 123
x: int = ptr^
- allocates a clone of the value passed to it. The resulting value of the type will be a pointer to the type of the value passed.
x: int = 123
ptr: ^int
ptr = new_clone(x)
assert(ptr^ == 123)
- allocates memory for a backing data structure of either a slice, dynamic array, or map.
slice := make([]int, 65)
dynamic_array_zero_length := make([dynamic]int)
dynamic_array_with_length := make([dynamic]int, 32)
dynamic_array_with_length_and_capacity := make([dynamic]int, 16, 64)
made_map := make(map[string]int)
made_map_with_reservation := make(map[string]int, 64)
- frees the memory at the pointer given. Note: only free memory with the allocator it was allocated with.
ptr := new(int)
- frees all the memory of the context’s allocator (or given allocator). Note: not all allocators support this procedure.
- deletes the backing memory of a value allocated with make or a string that was allocated through an allocator.
To see more uses of allocators and allocation-related procedures, please see package mem
in the core library.
For more information regarding memory allocation strategies in general, please see Ginger Bill’s Memory Allocation Strategy series.
Tracking allocator #
In the core collection you’ll find a tracking allocator that warns you if your progarm is leaking memory or if it does bad frees. Here’s how to set it up:
package main
import "core:fmt"
import "core:mem"
main :: proc() {
track: mem.Tracking_Allocator
mem.tracking_allocator_init(&track, context.allocator)
context.allocator = mem.tracking_allocator(&track)
defer {
if len(track.allocation_map) > 0 {
fmt.eprintf("=== %v allocations not freed: ===\n", len(track.allocation_map))
for _, entry in track.allocation_map {
fmt.eprintf("- %v bytes @ %v\n", entry.size, entry.location)
This uses a when statement to only enable the tracking allocator when the -debug
compilation flag is set. Since it sets the tracking allocator on the context in the beginning of main
, the rest of the program will use this tracking allocator.
Note that when
blocks do not have a real scope, the curly braces {}
are just there to group code. Any changes to the context
within a when
block are valid after the when
block ends.
By default, the tracking allocator will panic if a bad free occurs. It will print a message that informs you where that bad free happened. You can override that behavior by overriding track.bad_free_callback
// This will add the bad frees to `track.bad_free_array`,
// you must manually check the contents of that array.
track.bad_free_callback = mem.tracking_allocator_bad_free_callback_add_to_array
Explicit context
Definition #
Procedures which do not use the "odin"
calling convention must explicitly assign the context
if something within its body requires it.
explicit_context_definition :: proc "c" () {
// Try commenting the following statement out below
context = runtime.default_context()
fmt.println("\n#explicit context definition")
dummy_procedure :: proc() {
Here is another example of setting an error callback for vendor:glfw
error_callback :: proc "c" (code: i32, desc: cstring) {
context = runtime.default_context() // set the current context
fmt.println(desc, code) // fmt.* calls use the odin calling convention
Logging System #
As part of the implicit context
system, there is a built-in logging system.
To see more uses of loggers, please see package log
in the core library.
Foreign system #
It is sometimes necessary to interface with foreign code, such as a C library. In Odin, this is achieved through the foreign
system. You can “import” a library into the code using the same semantics as a normal import declaration:
foreign import kernel32 "system:kernel32.lib"
This foreign import
declaration will create a “foreign import name” which can then be used to associate entities within a foreign block.
foreign import kernel32 "system:kernel32.lib"
foreign kernel32 {
ExitProcess :: proc "stdcall" (exit_code: u32) ---
If a library exports global variables, you can import those into Odin as well.
foreign lib {
x: i32
Foreign procedure declarations have the cdecl/c calling convention by default unless specified otherwise. Due to foreign procedures not having a body declared within this code, you need to append the ---
symbol to the end to distinguish it as a procedure literal without a body and not a procedure type.
The attributes system can be used to change specific properties of entities declared within a block:
@(default_calling_convention = "std")
foreign kernel32 {
@(link_name="GetLastError") get_last_error :: proc() -> i32 ---
Available attributes for foreign blocks:
default calling convention for procedures declared within this foreign blocklink_prefix=<string>
prefix that needs to be appended to the linkage names of the entities except where the link name has been explicitly overridden
Using a vendor
library #
As described in the Foreign System we often want to use existing C
libraries. Odin has a wide collection of maintained bindings and ports.
Note: Case notation should remain the same as the original authors intended, to make porting code easier.
Let’s run through how we could use the vendor:glfw
library. The code will be based on their Quick Guide but we will simplify it to only show using glfw
package main
import "base:runtime"
import "core:fmt"
import "vendor:glfw"
error_callback :: proc "c" (code: i32, desc: cstring) {
context = runtime.default_context()
fmt.println(desc, code)
key_callback :: proc "c" (window: glfw.WindowHandle, key, scancode, action, mods: i32) {
if key == glfw.KEY_ESCAPE && action == glfw.PRESS {
glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(window, glfw.TRUE)
main :: proc() {
if !glfw.Init() {
defer glfw.Terminate()
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2)
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 0)
window := glfw.CreateWindow(640, 480, "Simple example", nil, nil)
if window == nil {
defer glfw.DestroyWindow(window)
glfw.SetKeyCallback(window, key_callback)
// ...
// ...
for !glfw.WindowShouldClose(window) {
// ...
As we can see there is little difference to how someone would use vendor:glfw
in this case. It’s not always perfect but often good enough to port existing code quickly.
Parametric polymorphism #
Parametric polymorphism, commonly referred to as “generics”, allow the user to create a procedure or data that can be written generically so it can handle values in the same manner.
Note: Within the Odin code base and documentation, the nickname “parapoly” is usually used.
Explicit parametric polymorphism #
Explicit parametric polymorphism means that the types of the parameters of a proc
or of the data fields of a struct
(when intended to potentially be used with multiple possible types) must be explicitly provided. This is similar to how C++ allows the use of template
s to fill out the body of a procedure or data structure with the types that are given at compile-time as input to the template
parameters, but in Odin explicit parametric polymorphism is safer and cleaner to work with.
Procedures using explicit parametric polymorphism (parapoly) #
As a reminder, all parameters passed into a function are immutable in the sense that they can’t have their value changed using =
directly. A useful idiom is var := var
, which expresses a variable shadowing itself. When used at the top of a procedure the compiler understands the use case of enabling local modification of the otherwise immutable parameter variable, and won’t complain about the shadowing when you compile with -vet
sin_tau :: proc(angle_in_cycles: f64) -> f64 {
angle_in_cycles := angle_in_cycles // Allows `angle_in_cycles` to have its value changed
TAU :: 2 * math.PI
angle_in_cycles *= TAU
return math.sin(angle_in_cycles)
assert(math.abs(sin_tau(0.25) - 1) <= 0.001) // sin_tau(0.25) is approximately 1
assert(math.abs(sin_tau(0.75) - -1) <= 0.001) // sin_tau(0.75) is approximately -1
However, to specify that a parameter must be a compile-time constant, which is not the same thing as an immutable parameter, and may sometimes be necessary (e.g. for parapoly) or desirable (e.g. to enforce compile-time computation), the parameter’s name must be prefixed with a dollar sign $
. The following example takes two compile-time constant parameters and then uses them to initialize an array of known length:
make_f32_array :: #force_inline proc($N: int, $val: f32) -> (res: [N]f32) {
for _, i in res {
res[i] = val*val
array := make_f32_array(3, 2)
Types can also be explicitly passed by specifying that the typeid
parameter is constant:
my_new :: proc($T: typeid) -> ^T {
return (^T)(alloc(size_of(T), align_of(T)))
ptr := my_new(int)
Data types using explicit parametric polymorphism (parapoly) #
Structures and unions may have polymorphic parameters and the syntax for doing so is similar to procedure call syntax. Parapoly struct:
Table_Slot :: struct($Key, $Value: typeid) {
occupied: bool,
hash: u32,
key: Key,
value: Value,
slot: Table_Slot(string, int)
Parapoly union:
Error :: enum {Foo0, Foo1, Foo2}
Param_Union :: union($T: typeid) #no_nil {T, Error}
r: Param_Union(int)
r = 123
r = Error.Foo0
The $
prefix is optional for record data types as all parameters must be “constant”.
Implicit parametric polymorphism #
Implicit implies that the type of a parameter is inferred from its input. In this case, the dollar sign $
can be placed on the type.
Note: Within the Odin code base and documentation, the name “polymorphic name” is usually used.
Procedures using implicit parametric polymorphism (parapoly) #
foo :: proc($N: $I, $T: typeid) -> (res: [N]T) {
// `N` is the constant value passed
// `I` is the type of `N`
// `T` is the type passed
fmt.printf("Generating an array of type %v from the value %v of type %v\n",
typeid_of(type_of(res)), N, typeid_of(I))
for i in 0..<N {
res[i] = i*i
T :: int
array := foo(4, T)
for v, i in array {
assert(v == T(i*i))
Specialization #
In some cases, you may want to specify that a type must be a specialization of a certain type.
// Only allow types that are specializations of a (polymorphic) slice
make_slice :: proc($T: typeid/[]$E, len: int) -> T {
return make(T, len)
Table_Slot :: struct($Key, $Value: typeid) {
occupied: bool,
hash: u32,
key: Key,
value: Value,
Table :: struct($Key, $Value: typeid) {
count: int,
allocator: mem.Allocator,
slots: []Table_Slot(Key, Value),
// Only allow types that are specializations of `Table`
allocate :: proc(table: ^$T/Table, capacity: int) {
// find :: proc(table: ^$T/Table, key: T.Key) -> (T.Value, bool) {
find :: proc(table: ^Table($Key, $Value), key: Key) -> (Value, bool) {
clauses #
A bound on polymorphic parameters to a procedure or record can be expressed using a where
clause immediately before opening {
, rather than at the type’s or constant’s first mention. Additionally, where
clauses can apply bounds to arbitrary types, rather than just polymorphic type parameters.
Some cases that a where
clause may be useful:
- Sanity checks for parameters:
simple_sanity_check :: proc(x: [2]int)
where len(x) > 1,
type_of(x) == [2]int {
- Parameter polymorphism checks for procedures:
cross_2d :: proc(a, b: $T/[2]$E) -> E
where intrinsics.type_is_numeric(E) {
return a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x
cross_3d :: proc(a, b: $T/[3]$E) -> T
where intrinsics.type_is_numeric(E) {
x := a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y
y := a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z
z := a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x
return T{x, y, z}
a := [2]int{1, 2}
b := [2]int{5, -3}
fmt.println(cross_2d(a, b))
x := [3]f32{1, 4, 9}
y := [3]f32{-5, 0, 3}
fmt.println(cross_3d(x, y))
// Failure case
// i := [2]bool{true, false}
// j := [2]bool{false, true}
// fmt.println(cross_2d(i, j))
- Solving disambiguations with polymorphic procedures in a procedure grouping:
foo :: proc(x: [$N]int) -> bool
where N > 2 {
fmt.println(#procedure, "was called with the parameter", x)
return true
bar :: proc(x: [$N]int) -> bool
where 0 < N,
N <= 2 {
fmt.println(#procedure, "was called with the parameter", x)
return false
baz :: proc{foo, bar}
x := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
y := [2]int{4, 9}
ok_x := baz(x)
ok_y := baz(y)
assert(ok_x == true)
assert(ok_y == false)
- Restrictions on parametric polymorphic parameters for record types:
Foo :: struct($T: typeid, $N: int)
where intrinsics.type_is_integer(T),
N > 2 {
x: [N]T,
y: [N-2]T,
T :: i32
N :: 5
f: Foo(T, N)
#assert(size_of(f) == (N+N-2)*size_of(T))
operator (selector call expressions) #
The ->
operator is called the selector call expression operator and is extremely useful for call procedures stored in vtables. Component Objective Model (COM) APIs is a great example of where this kind of thing is extremely useful (such as the Direct3D11 package).
// is equivalent to
x.y(x, 123)
As the ->
operator is effectively syntactic sugar, all of the same semantics still apply, meaning subtyping through using
will still work as expected to allow for the emulation of type hierarchies.
Attributes #
Attributes modify the compilation details or behaviour of declarations.
General attributes #
Prevents a top level element from being exported with the package.
my_variable: int // cannot be accessed outside this package
@private // parenthesis can be dropped on no arguments
my_other_variable: int
You may also make an entity private to the file instead of the package.
my_variable: int // cannot be accessed outside this file
is equivalent to @(private="package")
Using #+private
before the package declaration will automatically add @(private)
to everything in that file:
package foo
And #+private file
will be equivalent to automatically adding @(private="file")
to each declaration. This means that to remove the private-to-file association, you must apply a private-to-package attribute @(private)
to the declaration.
Requires that the declaration is added to the final compilation and not optimized out.
Linking and foreign attributes #
This attribute can be attached to variable and procedure declarations, either when exporting or inside a foreign
block. This specifies what the variable/proc is called in the library.
foreign foo {
@(link_name = "bar")
testbar :: proc(baz: int) ---
@(export, link_name="lib_foo")
foo :: proc "c" () -> int {
return 42
This attribute can be attached to variable and procedure declarations, either when exporting or inside a foreign
block. So if functions are prefixed with ltb_
in the library, you can attach this and not specify that on the procedure on the Odin side; conversely, non-Odin procedures must match the exported procedure’s name with its link prefix. Example:
@(link_prefix = "ltb_")
foreign foo {
testbar :: proc(baz: int) --- // This now refers to ltb_testbar
@(export, link_prefix="ltb_")
foo :: proc "c" () -> int {
return 42
or @(export=true/false)
Exports a variable or procedure symbol, useful for producing DLLs.
Allows the ability to specify the specific linkage of a declaration. Allow linkage kinds: "internal"
, "strong"
, "weak"
, and "link_once"
This attribute can be attached to a foreign
block to specify the default calling convention for all procedures in the block. Example:
@(default_calling_convention = "std")
foreign kernel32 {
@(link_name="LoadLibraryA") load_library_a :: proc(c_str: ^u8) -> Hmodule ---
Specify the link section for a global variable.
my_global: i32
Provide additional linker flags to a foreign import
foreign import lib {
Procedure attributes #
These attributes can be attached to a procedure X
which will be called at the end of the calling scope for X
s caller.
will receive the same parameters as the called proc. deferred_out
will receive the result of the called proc. deferred_in_out
will receive both. deferred_none
will receive no parameters.
baz :: proc() {
fmt.println("In baz")
bar :: proc() {
fmt.println("In bar")
foo :: proc() {
fmt.println("Entered foo")
fmt.println("Leaving foo")
// Prints:
// Entered foo
// In bar
// Leaving foo
// In baz
Mark a procedure as deprecated. Running odin build/run/check
will print out the message for each usage of the deprecated proc.
@(deprecated="'foo' deprecated, use 'bar' instead")
foo :: proc() {
Ensures procedure return values are acknowledged, meaning that in any scope where a procedure p
having procedure attribute @(require_results)
is called, the scope must explicitly handle the return values of procedure p
in some way, such as by storing the return values of p
in variables or explicitly dropping the values by setting _
equal them.
foo :: proc() -> bool {
return true
main :: proc() {
foo() // won't compile
_ = foo() // Ok
If the provided boolean is set, the procedure will not be used when called.
This attribute may be applied to any procedure that neither takes any parameters nor returns any values. All suitable procedures marked in this way by @(init)
will then be called at the start of the program before main
is called. The exact order in which all such intialization functions are called is deterministic and hence reliable. The order is determined by a topological sort of the import graph and then in alphabetical file order within the package and then top down within the file.
Like @(init)
but run at after the main
procedure finishes.
A hint to the compiler that this procedure is rarely called, and thus “cold”.
Set the optimization mode of a procedure. Valid modes are "none"
, "minimal"
, "size"
, and "speed"
skip_whitespace :: proc(t: ^Tokenizer) {
for {
switch {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
Allows procedures with the attribute @(test)
to be run with the command odin test
import "core:testing"
foo :: proc(_: ^testing.T) {
Variable attributes #
This attribute can be applied to a variable to have it keep its state even when going out of scope.
This is the same behavior as a static
local variable in C.
test :: proc() -> int {
@(static) foo := 0
foo += 1
return foo
main :: proc() {
fmt.println(test()) // prints 1
fmt.println(test()) // prints 2
fmt.println(test()) // prints 3
A global or static variable with the @(rodata)
attribute will live in the read-only data block of the program. This means that the value cannot be changed.
In most cases, using a constant is a better idea. One example where @(rodata)
is useful is this case:
numbers := []int {
main :: proc() {
index := 1
n := numbers[index]
If you instead used a constant numbers
array (NUMBERS :: []int {}
), then it would not be possible to index numbers
using a variable, because constants only exist at compile time.
Can be applied to a variable at file scope
@(thread_local) foo: int
Specialized attributes #
@(builtin) Marks builtin procs in Odin’s “base:runtime” package. Cannot be used in user code.
Directives #
Directives are a way of extending the core behaviour of the Odin programming language. They have the form #directive_name
Record memory layout #
This tag can be applied to a struct. Removes padding between fields that’s normally inserted to ensure all fields meet their type’s alignment requirements. Fields remain in source order.
This is useful where the structure is unlikely to be correctly aligned (the insertion rules for padding assume it is), or if the space-savings are more important or useful than the access speed of the fields.
Accessing a field in a packed struct may require copying the field out of the struct into a temporary location, or using a machine instruction that doesn’t assume the pointer address is correctly aligned, in order to be performant or avoid crashing on some systems. (See intrinsics.unaligned_load
struct #packed {x: u8, y: i32, z: u16, w: u8}
This tag can be applied to a struct. Struct’s fields will share the same memory space which serves the same functionality as union
s in C language. Useful when writing bindings especially.
struct #raw_union {u: u32, i: i32, f: f32}
This tag can be applied to a struct
or union
. When #align
is passed an integer N
(as in #align N
), it specifies that the struct
will be aligned to N
bytes. The struct
’s fields will remain in source-order.
Foo :: struct #align(4) {
b: bool,
Bar :: union #align(4) {
This tag can be applied to a union to not allow nil values.
A :: union {int, bool}
B :: union #no_nil {int, bool}
// Possible states of A:
{} // nil
// Possible states of B:
{int} // default state
Control statements #
By default all case
s of an enum
or union have to be covered in a switch
statement. The reason for this requirement is because it makes accidental bugs less likely. However, the #partial
tag allows you to not have to write out case
s that you don’t need to handle:
Foo :: enum {
test :: proc() {
bar := Foo.A
// All cases required, removing any would result in an error
switch bar {
case .A:
case .B:
case .C:
// Partially state wanted cases
#partial switch bar {
case .A:
case .B:
The #partial
directive can also be used to initialize an enumerated array.
Procedure parameters #
This tag can be applied to a procedure parameter that is a pointer. This is a hint to the compiler that this parameter will not alias other parameters. This is equivalent to C’s __restrict
foo :: proc(#no_alias a, b: ^int) {}
enables implicit casts to a procedure’s integer type at the call site. A parameter with #any_int
must be an integer.
foo :: proc(#any_int a: int) {}
x : i32
foo(x) // This is now allowed without an explicit cast
sets a parameter’s default value to the location of the code calling the procedure. The location value has the type Source_Code_Location
. #caller_location
may only be used as a default value for procedure parameters.
package example_caller_location
import "core:fmt"
print_caller_location :: proc(loc := #caller_location) {
fmt.println(#procedure, "called by", loc.procedure)
main :: proc() {
// C:/some/dir/example_caller_location.odin(11:2)
// print_caller_location called by main
or #caller_expression(<param>)
gives a procedure the entire call expression or the expression used to create a parameter. #caller_expression
may only be used as a default value for procedure parameters.
package example_caller_expression
import "core:fmt"
entire_expression :: proc(greeting: string, count: int, expr := #caller_expression) {
param_expression :: proc(greeting: string, count: int, count_expr := #caller_expression(count)) {
main :: proc() {
entire_expression("Hellope!", 1 + 1)
// entire_expression("Hellope!", 1 + 1)
param_expression("Yo", 2 + 2)
// 2 + 2
Used to interface with vararg functions in foreign procedures.
foreign foo {
bar :: proc(n: int, #c_vararg args: ..any) ---
Used to interface with const reference parameters in foreign procedures. The parameter is passed by pointer internally.
foreign foo {
bar :: proc(#by_ptr p: T) ---
to represent
void bar(const T*)
Allows skipping the last return parameter, which needs to be a bool
import "core:fmt"
foo :: proc(x: int) -> (value: int, ok: bool) #optional_ok {
return x + 1, true
main :: proc() {
for x := 0; x < 11; x = foo(x) {
fmt.printf("v: %v\n", x)
Allows skipping the last return parameter, which needs to be a runtime.Allocator_Error
import "base:runtime"
import "core:strings"
import "core:fmt"
add_greetings :: proc(name: string) -> (string, runtime.Allocator_Error) #optional_allocator_error {
result, err := strings.join({"Hello", name}, ", ")
return result, err
main :: proc() {
msg := add_greetings("Bill")
Expressions #
This tag doesn’t serve a functional purpose in the compiler, this is for telling someone reading the code that the expression is a type. The main case is for showing that a procedure signature without a body is a type and not just missing its body, for example:
foo :: #type proc(foo: string)
bar :: struct {
gin: foo,
Statements #
and #no_bounds_check
The #bounds_check
and #no_bounds_check
flags control Odin’s built-in bounds checking of arrays and slices. Any statement, block, or function with one of these flags will have their bounds checking turned on or off, depending on the flag provided. Valid uses of these flags include:
proc_without_bounds_check :: proc() #no_bounds_check {
#bounds_check {
#no_bounds_check fmt.println(os.args[1])
Built-in procedures #
Unlike assert
, #assert
runs at compile-time. #assert
breaks compilation if the given bool expression is false, and thus #assert
is useful for catching bugs before they ever even reach run-time. It also has no run-time cost.
Panic runs at compile-time. It is functionally equivalent to an #assert
with a false
condition, but #panic
has an error message string parameter.
#config(<identifier>, default)
Checks if an identifier is defined through the command line, or gives a default value instead.
Values can be set with the -define:NAME=VALUE
command line flag.
Checks if an identifier is defined. This may only be used within a procedure’s body.
n: int
when #defined(n) { fmt.println("true") }
if #defined(int) { fmt.println("true") }
when #defined(nonexistent_proc) == false { fmt.println("proc was not defined") }
, #directory
, #line
, #procedure
Return the current file path, directory, line number, or procedure name, respectively. Used like a constant value. file_name :: #file
or #location(<entity>)
Returns a runtime.Source_Code_Location
(see base/runtime/core.odin
). Can be called with no parameters for current location, or with a parameter for the location of the variable/proc declaration.
foo :: proc() {}
main :: proc() {
n: int
or #load(<string-path>, <type>)
Returns a []u8
of the file contents at compile time. This means that the loaded data is baked into your program. Optionally, you can provide a type name as second argument; interpreting the data as being of that type.
foo := #load("path/to/file")
bar := #load("path/to/file", string)
// If a file's size is not a multiple of the `size_of(type)`, then any remainder is ignored.
baz := #load("path/to/file", []f32)
also works with or_else
to provide default content when the file wasn’t found
foo := #load("path/to/file", string) or_else "Hellope"
#load_hash(<string-path>, <string-hash>)
Returns a constant integer of the hash of a file’s contents at compile time. Available hashes: "adler32"
, "crc32"
, "crc64"
, "fnv32"
, "fnv64"
, "fnv32a"
, "fnv64a"
, "murmur32"
, or "murmur64"
hash :: #load_hash("path/to/file", "crc32")
Loads all files within a directory, at compile time. All the data of those files will be baked into your program. Returns []Load_Directory_File
, where Load_Directory_File
looks like so:
Load_Directory_File :: struct {
name: string,
data: []byte, // immutable data
is the name of the file and data
is the contents of the file.
Useful idioms #
The following are useful idioms which are emergent from the semantics of the language.
Basic idioms #
Ternary operator #
The following two snippets are identical:
bar := condition ? 1 : 42
bar := 1 if condition else 42
You can also use ternary expressions with constants at compile-time:
DEBUG_LOG_SIZE :: 1024 when ODIN_DEBUG else 0
If-statements with initialization #
if str, ok := value.(string); ok {
} else {
Iterating through slices of structs by value or by reference #
Foo :: struct {
f: f32,
i: i32,
foos := make([]Foo, num)
// By-value basic ranged-based loop, with implicit indexing
for v, j in foos {
using v
fmt.println(j, v, f, i)
// Alternative range-based loop, with explicit indexing
for _, j in foos {
using foo := foos[j] // copy
fmt.println(j, foo, f, i)
// By-reference range-based explicit indexing loop
for _, j in foos {
using foo := &foos[j] // "reference", changes to `f` or `i` are visible outside this scope
fmt.println(j, foo, f, i)
// By-reference range-based through pointer
for &v, j in foos {
using v // `v` is now a variable reference as `foos` was passed by pointer
fmt.println(j, foo, f, i)
defer if
cond := true
defer if cond {
fmt.println("Hello World") // "Hello world" last
fmt.println("Hellope") // "Hellope" first
is a union which either returns a type T
or nil
. In other languages this is often seen as Option(T)
, Result(T)
, etc.
Odin has multiple return values, so Maybe(T)
is used less frequently or rarely in the core
library. Instead of doing -> Maybe(int)
you could transform it to -> (int, bool)
halve :: proc(n: int) -> Maybe(int) {
if n % 2 != 0 do return nil
return n / 2
half, ok := halve(2).?
if ok do fmt.println(half) // 1
half, ok = halve(3).?
if !ok do fmt.println("3/2 isn't an int")
n := halve(4).? or_else 0
fmt.println(n) // 2
Advanced idioms #
Subtype polymorphism with run-time type-safe down-casting:
Entity :: struct {
id: u64,
name: string,
variant: union{^Frog},
Frog :: struct {
using entity: Entity,
volume: f32,
jump_height: i32,
new_entity :: proc($T: typeid) -> ^T {
e := new(T)
e.variant = e
return e
entity: ^Entity = new_entity(Frog)
switch e in entity.variant {
case ^Frog:
fmt.println("Ribbit:", e.volume)
Implicit Type Conversions #
Odin is a strongly and distinct
ly typed language by default. It has very few implicit type conversions compared to many other languages.
- All types to
(must be specialized/non-polymorphic) - Any of its variants to the
->matrix[R, C]T
distinct proc
(same base types)distinct matrix
(same base types)- Subtypes through
- Untyped integers -> all numeric related types that can represent them without truncation
- Untyped floats -> all numeric related types that can represent them without truncation
- Untyped booleans -> all boolean related types
- Untyped rune -> all rune types
- Untyped strings -> all string types
Extra Information #
More details can be found on the Github wiki for Odin. Some of this information includes:
- Compiler Flags
- Built in Procedures
- Keywords and Operators
- …and more
What to do if you get stuck #
If you are unable to find the information you need on this overview page, the FAQ, the wiki, the example repository (which contains demos for using the vendor libs, e.g. Tetris in raylib), or the package documentation, then you will likely find it very helpful to explore your Odin source code directory, especially the files contained in the following five subdirectories: examples\demo
, tests
, core
, vendor
, and misc\old_demos
The following list describes why each of these may be useful:
- The
file contains ~2500 lines of Odin code that demonstrate many of Odin’s language features and provide commentary on some of them. This file contains many examples that cannot be found anywhere in the Overview nor in the other documentation. - The
folder provides unit tests for many of Odin’s features and libraries, whereby reading these files you can gain a more nuanced view of exactly how things are intended or expected to behave. Tests are essentially automatically verified documentation. Tests often cover details that normal documentation doesn’t even mention. Tests are also guaranteed to be up-to-date (if regularly run), unlike more informal documentation. - The
folders contain the bindings and implementation code for Odin’s standard library and various multimedia libraries respectively. Even if you don’t understand the implementation of something, reading the code can still greatly improve your chances of guessing what exactly it really does. Odin is a straightforward and legible language with relatively little magic compared to other modern languages. Reading source code can enable you to work around missing documentation much more effectively. This is a very useful thing to keep in mind for working with any under-development language or library effectively. misc\old_demos
may contain examples that are different from the main up-to-datedemo.odin
file contained inexamples\demo
. This may provide additional context for Odin’s design and features. The other resources are probably better though.
Try doing a text search in one or more of these subdirectories for what you are looking for. Make sure the search is a proper full text search too, such as what grep
(a popular 3rd party file search program) provides. Be careful that you specify your search correctly, especially if you use regex. Some default searches on some operating systems may miss content that exists in some files by not searching the actual file contents completely or at all, which can be misleading.
Odin’s documentation may be sparse at times, but this sparsity can be worked around effectively by using the above listed resources. Don’t forget they exist.
When working with any system that is still under-development these kinds of techniques are essential for maximizing your effectiveness. Many (perhaps most) real world companies, especially in intense industries such as game development and multimedia often don’t have complete documentation and changes can happen rapidly.
Self-sufficiency in such a context requires a willingness to explore these kinds of resources proactively, rather than waiting for documentation that may be slow to come or may not fully cover what things actually do precisely enough.
Don’t be afraid to simply experiment and try to deduce what something is really doing or what features may exist. You may be surprised how much you can still accomplish with just a little bit of patience and thoughtfulness!
Furthermore, even if Odin doesn’t yet have a feature or library that you need, the fact that Odin has bindings to C’s standard library (which are available in the libc package via import "core:c/libc"
) means that any algorithms, example code, documentation, or books originally written for C can also be used to accomplish what you need in Odin. You can then optionally write Odin wrappers around that code to bridge the idiomatic gap better or else just use the C-like code directly. You can also bind to code from any libraries or languages that foreign
can bind to (see the foreign section for more info).
Thus, when necessity calls for it, the entire literature and community of C is still (in effect) available to you in Odin as well. So, any time you are tempted to think “I can’t implement this in Odin yet because there’s not enough documentation” remind yourself that all (or almost all) of C is still available to you, but through a cleaner namespaced interface. Odin is also similar to C anyway, so direct translations of C to Odin (without even using the libc
bindings) may still be relatively easy. In effect, any tutorial or book on C can also be thought of as an Odin resource too in that sense!
You can also make your experience navigating Odin code easier by installing a syntax highlighter and/or a language server, which do exist for some editors (e.g. VS Code, Vim, Sublime Text, and Emacs) and work well enough to make using Odin comfortable. See the list of text editors that have support for Odin code for known examples.
Finally, you can ask for information from the Odin community on Discord or elsewhere. There is also an old Handmade Network forum that is no longer in use and doesn’t have many threads, but may still have a small amount of useful info on it.
There’s a collection of other libraries created by the Odin community that may also be helpful.
Good luck and have fun!