Odin now officially supports both the Metal API and Direct3D 11 & 12 out-of-the box! This makes Odin currently the only language that officially supports all of the major graphics APIs: OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D11, Direct3D12, Metal, and WebGL 1 & 2.
Metal #

Odin now has NATIVE Metal support, and it is even cleaner than writing it in Objective-C in numerous cases!
Native support means that Odin is directly caling the Objective-C runtime, and not through a wrapper of another language. This means that the Metal package in Odin will have virtually the same performance as Objective-C code. This means you can now write Metal code without being locked into using an Apple-specific language.
Example and Documentation #
You can check out a minimal demonstration of Metal in Odin here: https://gist.github.com/gingerBill/e1270f60a1739c266934599c2bee46f5.
And the automatically generated package documentation here: package vendor:darwin/Metal
Metal in Native Odin!!! No need for Objective-C or Swift any more it seems.https://t.co/v5D2FP1LlB (I had to do the obligatory RGB triangle)
— gingerBill (@TheGingerBill) February 15, 2022
This means that Odin will ship out of the box with Metal, Vulkan, and OpenGL, and libraries such as GLFW and SDL!
Only D3D to go! pic.twitter.com/r6BnzDBXXO
Metal in Objective-C #
MTLSamplerDescriptor *samplerDescriptor = [[MTLSamplerDescriptor alloc] init];
[samplerDescriptor setSAddressMode: MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat];
[samplerDescriptor setTAddressMode: MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat];
[samplerDescriptor setRAddressMode: MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat];
[samplerDescriptor setMagFilter: MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear];
[samplerDescriptor setMinFilter: MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear];
[samplerDescriptor setMipFilter: MTLSamplerMipFilterLinear];
[samplerDescriptor setSupportArgumentBuffers: YES];
id< MTLSamplerState > samplerState = [device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:samplerDescriptor];
[samplerDescriptor release];
// ...
[samplerState release];
Metal in Odin #
samplerDescriptor := MTL.SamplerDescriptor.alloc()->init()
samplerState := device->newSamplerState(samplerDescriptor)
// ...
DirectX #
Example and Documentation #
You can check out a minimal demonstration of Direct3D11 in Odin here: https://gist.github.com/gingerBill/b7b75772f92c5511a9cd3ca2e28eca37.
And the automatically generated package documentation here for both D3D11 and D3D12:
I got Metal working natively in @odinlang the other day. I've now gone and got D3D11 and D3D12 working in Odin!https://t.co/cHzyfmeBLG
— gingerBill (@TheGingerBill) February 17, 2022
Odin shipping out-of-the-box will all of major graphics APIs: Metal, D3D11, D3D12, Vulkan, OpenGL, and WebGL! pic.twitter.com/60sau6BRqt
Writing Direct3D code is Odin is really simple! The code will be nearly the same as writing it as if you were using the APIs in native C++ with thanks to the ->
depth_buffer_desc: D3D11.TEXTURE2D_DESC
depth_buffer_desc.Format = .D24_UNORM_S8_UINT
depth_buffer_desc.BindFlags = .DEPTH_STENCIL
depth_buffer: ^D3D11.ITexture2D
device->CreateTexture2D(&depth_buffer_desc, nil, &depth_buffer)
depth_buffer_view: ^D3D11.IDepthStencilView
device->CreateDepthStencilView(depth_buffer, nil, &depth_buffer_view)
sampler_desc := D3D11.SAMPLER_DESC{
AddressU = .WRAP,
AddressV = .WRAP,
AddressW = .WRAP,
ComparisonFunc = .NEVER,
sampler_state: ^D3D11.ISamplerState
device->CreateSamplerState(&sampler_desc, &sampler_state)