Hey all 👋 This month we’re doing things differently and want to show off more from the Odin Discord Community. We’ll go over release note highlights and official package news as usual.
Release note highlights #
Highlights from May #
- New compiler flag
- Prevent trivial copying with
struct #no_copy
- Experimental
attribute - Make
be an untyped boolean
Highlights from June #
- Allowing for Positional and Named Arguments in Procedure Calls details
- New and Improved
interface details bindFramebuffer
was added towebgl
- Added
flag to properly auto-clean threads
Package / Bindings News #
- Bindings for lua were added with several versions:
- Improvements to the JSON tokenizer
- Partially buffer all
related calls using abufio.Writer
- Font texture atlas builder port of fontstash was added to
- Vectorized rendering port of nanovg was added to
- Nanovg backends for OpenGL 2.0, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL 3.2 core profile and OpenGL ES 3 were added to
New Bindings / Packages #
- HTTP/1.1 Implementation using
- mimalloc bindings -
jakubtomsu (Jacob)
- lz4 bindings -
jakubtomsu (Jacob)
- fmod bindings -
jakubtomsu (Jacob)
- shaderc bindings -
- libpcap bindings -
Primeagen Interview with GingerBill #
GingerBill was recently interviewed by ThePrimeagen (~51 min.). It included a walkthrough through the demo.odin
file, going over odin’s features and answering viewer questions.
Package Registry #
has released an alpha build of their Odin Package Registry.
Portable Build Tools #
has released their PortableBuildTools, a “Portable, simple and fast installer for Visual Studio build tools.”
Streams / Youtube Content #
Karl Zylinski
has been streaming solo gamedev using Odin, Raylib & Aseprite.
has recently been uploading videos on Pico (a tiny text editor) and basic data structure implementations / explanations.
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mjolnirdev/
Showcase #
Showcase from May #
Arcade physics kart racer - CasualKyle
Game Framework - The Lua Whisperer Github
Little Vampires Clone - BigYosh
Cat Game Progress - karl_zylinski
Showcase from June #
Polishing UI / Scenes - Falconerd

Cascaded Shadow Mapping - Francis_the_cat
one more QOL feature in 🥳 - brda
I managed to implement my favourite way of disconnecting nodes - brda
Spall tracing the cpython interpreter for over a minute - cloin Try out Spall
Raw File Viewer - markersniffen
HSV Color Space - ReasonableCoder

Explosives - Francis_the_cat
Disentangle - Matt_
WIP roguelite platformer gameplay - jakubtomsu (Jacob)
2d game library running on windows&web with hot reloading - Rehkitz
Multi-line text editing for custom UI - markersniffen