What’s been going on in July #

Work has officially started on the new custom backend for Odin using Tilde. This will be an alternative to the current LLVM backend, and not a replacement to it. In case you didn’t know, Odin’s compilation speed is actually quite quick, but LLVM slows down everything. Around ~90% of the compilation time is spent on LLVM.

Tilde is estimated to reduce Odin compile times by an order of magnitude at a minimum, aiding with the quick development of your programming in Odin.

Try out the compiler flags -show-timings or -show-more-timings to get details on your compilation times - you’ll find that LLVM usually takes up most time. Why optimize other stages of the compilation when LLVM will bog down everything by ~90%?

Yasser Arguelles Snape (NeGate) has been working on his own custom backend to replace LLVM. They have been developing a C compiler along with it, to better grasp the shortcomings of his custom backend.

GingerBill has been streaming some code sessions on Twitch - with backups being uploaded on YouTube.

New Bindings / Packages #

  • ldtk bindings - jakubtomsu (Jacob)
  • jo “A stupidly easy to use library” - pJotoro
  • oui OUI Semi-Immediate UI port - Skytrias

Showcase #

Response to the Showcase section has been astonishing, so let’s continue in the same fashion.

We have a total of 21 videos / images to share this month, we’ll try splitting up by weeks to give a sense of time.

Week 1 #

Waterfall Spectrum Analyzer for the Adalm-Pluto Software Defined Radio - Stvff

Week 2 #

Applying shaders to nodes & caching properly - brda

GPU accelerated fractal binary tree with rotation & scale - ElegantBeef


"After a day of frustration and tears, here we have functional multi mesh rendering with Assimp, OpenGL and SDL2" - Akuspel


Object transforms, 3D gizmo, multiple shaders - Akuspel

Week 3 #


Quixel scanned mesh import works now - Jesse

Cat game progress - NPCs, Custom Objects, Editor Work Undo/Redo - karl_zylinski


Vulkan Triangle using a custom platform layer - OrigamiPete

Week 4 #


Who needs Nanite when you've got parallax mapping - Jesse


Tilde Hellope! - gingerBill

Vector Editing App - varomix


writing a UE save format reader for fun - Jeroen

Keyboard Midi Visualizer with raylib - HitchH1k3r

Hot Level Reloading - CasualKyle


Procedural Generation of levels - Francis_the_cat

Vector -> (M)SDF Generation Tool - Skytrias